Sub-theme 20: Collaboration, Coordination, and Cooperation across Organizations: Meaning(s), Types, Contexts, and Determinants

Xavier Castañer, University of Lausanne, Switzerland
Dries Faems, WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management, Germany
Nuno Barros De Oliveira, Tilburg University, The Netherlands
Session Time Corridor 1: Thursday, July 08, 09:00 to 12:30, Virtual Conference (EventsAir)
Opening of the Sub-theme + Session 1
Break 1: 10:30 to 11:00
Chair: Xavier Castañer, Dries Faems & Nuno Barros De Oliveira
Sören Augustinsson, Alina Liden and Alina Lidén
A Complexity thinking approach to Cooperation, Collaboration, Coordination – the case of a collaborative platform within the agricultural sector
Sara Scipioni, Meir Russ, Federico Niccolini and Meir Russ
Communication, collaboration, coordination, cooperation in circular economy interorganizational relationships formation: An exploratory European case
Inge Hill and Birgit Helene Jevnaker
Who’s afraid of co-labour-ation? Deconstructing facets of working together across organizational boundaries in a UK creative industry site through the lens of relational capital conversions
09:00–10:30: Opening of the Sub-theme
11:00–12:30: Session 1 – Collaboration, Coordination, and Cooperation
Session Time Corridor 2: Thursday, July 08, 16:00 to 19:30, Virtual Conference (EventsAir)
Session 2 & Session 3
Break 1: 17:30 to 18:00
Chair: Xavier Castañer, Dries Faems & Nuno Barros De Oliveira
Morgane Loquen and Laurent Scaringella
The emergence of unframed strategic alliances to flatten the curve of COVID-19
Ann-Kathrin Herfeld
Exogenous shock and its impact on companies in the alliance pre-formation phase
Brian Tjemkes and
Performance feedback and alliance portfolio evolution: A multi-case study of technology start-up ventures
Katharina Cepa and Chris J. Ford
Disrupting by proxy: Collaborative practices for transforming stable and profitable industries
Peter Gustafsson, Sujith Nair and Zsuzsanna Vincze
Innovation ecosystem emergence: Complex innovations and co-orchestration
Lukas Falcke, Stephen Comello and Ann-Kristin Zobel
Integrating Digital Solutions Across Firm Boundaries: How the Digital Technology Architecture Shapes Knowledge Exchange Processes
16:00–17:30: Session 2 – Strategic Alliances
18:00–19:30: Session 3 – Technology
Session Time Corridor 3: Friday, July 09, 09:00 to 12:30, Virtual Conference (EventsAir)
Session 4 & Session 5
Break 1: 10:30 to 11:00
Chair: Xavier Castañer, Dries Faems & Nuno Barros De Oliveira
Marie Fare, Isabelle Dedun, Emilie Lanciano and isabelle Dedun
Interorganizational partnerships in social innovation processes, a sociology of translation approach through two "all inclusive" projects
Chris Rønningstad
How managers use integrative practices in thriving public welfare collaborations
Aliona Ignatieva, Liesbet Heyse, Rafael Wittek and Jelly Zuidersma
Governance of inter-organizational networks: A systematic literature review and qualitative meta-synthesis
Nuria Moratal-Ferrando, Anne-Lorène Vernay and Carine Sebi
Ecosystem creation under high uncertainty – a longitudinal analysis of the alignment conditions
Peter Lugosi, Thiago Allis, Clara Della Croce and Sonia Morano-Foadi
Inter-organisational entanglements in migrant support ecologies
Rémi Ardiet and Malek Bouhaouala
Strength of ties and group size as determinants in inter-organizational collaboration. The French Mountain Think Tank case
09:00–10:30: Session 4 – Ecosystems
11:00–12:30: Session 5 – Social Networks
Session Time Corridor 4: Friday, July 09, 16:00 to 18:00, Virtual Conference (EventsAir)
Session 6: Interorganizational Networks and Social Enterprises + Closing session
Chair: Xavier Castañer, Dries Faems & Nuno Barros De Oliveira
Ignas Bruder and Jörg Sydow
The idiosyncrasies of social enterprise cooperation in inter-organizational networks – A practice-based analysis of an extreme case
Ellen Loots and Walter Van Andel
Artists and designers as change agents in cross-sector partnerships: Transactional cooperation, integrative collaboration and transformational cocreation
Anna Pohle, Elisa Villani and Rosa Grimaldi
University-level and organizational antecedents of personnel motivation in knowledge transfer offices
Session Time Corridor 5: Saturday, July 10, 09:00 to 12:30, Virtual Conference (EventsAir)
Session 7 (Cancelled)
Break 1: 10:30 to 11:00
Chair: Xavier Castañer, Dries Faems & Nuno Barros De Oliveira
Anjali Chawla, Benson Honig and Sandeep Raha
Emotions in inter-organizational collaboration work
Prasomee Sikdar
Collaborate to travel: The cascading levels of interorganizational relationships in tourism
09:00–10:30: Session 7 – Cross-sector Partnerships
11:00–12:30: Closing of the Sub-theme