Pre-Colloquium PhD Workshop
Post-Doctoral & Early Career Scholars Pre-Colloquium Workshop
The Pre-Colloquium PhD Workshop and the Post-Doctoral & Early Career Scholars Pre-Colloquium Workshop are two-day events that are taking place on Monday, July 4, and on Tuesday, July 5, 2016,
i.e. prior to the 32nd EGOS Colloquium in Naples.
These two workshops will take place at:
Villa Doria d'Angri
Via Francesco Petrarca 80
A shuttle bus service will be provided for participants accommodated by the local Colloquium Secretariat (effe erre congressi)
in the hotels listed on the website of the Colloquium. This service will be provided at the end of the Welcome Reception (July
4, 2016, 21:00), and in the morning (08:00) & at the end of the Dinner & Party (22:00) on July 5, 2016.
To view the Programs, please click on the links below:
- PROGRAM Pre-Colloquium PhD Workshop
- PROGRAM Post-Doctoral & Early Career Scholars Pre-Colloquium Workshop
To view the original Call for Applications for the two workshops, please click on the links below!