EGOS Executive Board

= elected EGOS Executive Board members

via annual online voting by active EGOS members; as of July 6, 2024


Professor Dr. Giuseppe Delmestri

– Chair of EGOS –
LUISS – Guido Carli University, Department of Business and Management, Italy
Besides things related to his role as Chair, he is responsible for the pre-Colloquium Development Workshops (PDWs) and for the Roland Calori Prize. He also is in charge of the EGOS Board sustainability taskforce.

Associate Professor Dr. Christine Moser

– Vice-Chair of EGOS –
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Faculty of Social Sciences, The Netherlands
Besides things related to her role as Vice-Chair, she is responsible for EDI (Equity, Diversity & Inclusion), the EGOS Standing Working Groups (SWGs), the EGOS Feminist Network, and – with Dirk Deichmann – the EGOS Book Award.

Professor Dr. Daniel Geiger

– Treasurer of EGOS –
Faculty of Business, Economics & Social Sciences, Universität Hamburg, Germany
Daniel serves as EGOS Treasurer and thus oversees all EGOS money matters.

Associate Professor Dr. Dirk Deichmann

Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, The Netherlands
Dirk is in charge of the pre-Colloquium Post-Doctoral & Early Career Scholars Workshop and the EGOS Best Paper Award.

Professor Dr. Maria Chiara Di Guardo

University of Cagliari, Dept. of Economics and Business, Sardinia/Italy
Maria Chiara is the main EGOS Board's person in charge (liaison) to future EGOS Colloquium organizers.

Associate Professor Farah Kodeih, PhD

Department of Management & Society, IÉSEG School of Management, France
Farah is in charge of relationships with other associations and more generally events for which EGOS is a partner. She also oversees the James G. March Prize and is in charge of the EGOS Best Student Paper Award.

Professor Dr. Elke Schüßler

Leuphana University Lüneburg, Germany
Elke is in charge of the pre-Colloquium PhD Workshop and the EGOS That's Interesting! Award. She also is in charge of the EGOS Board sustainability taskforce.