EGOS Best Paper Award
EGOS Best Student Paper Award

Since the 23rd EGOS Colloquium in Vienna in 2007, EGOS has granted two annual prizes for outstanding papers:

  • EGOS Best Paper Award – sponsored by the Hanken School of Economics, Finland, amounting to € 2,000.

  • EGOS Best Student Paper Award – sponsored by HEC Montréal, Canada, amounting to € 2,000. The paper must have a PhD student as its first author.

The winning papers must display methodological rigor, theoretical relevance, innovativeness, and new insights into organizational phenomena. – The prizes are awarded at the following EGOS Colloquium.

Please note:
  • Only full papers which have been uploaded via the EGOS submission system can be con­sidered for these awards!
  • When uploading the full paper via the EGOS website, author(s) should indicate whether she/he/they would like this paper to compete for either only one award or both awards.


Best Paper Award 2023

Juan Francisco Chavez Ramirez &
Matthew Murphy

Institutional Subversion through Performative Acts: The Emergence of Aboriginal Monitoring Programs in the Canadian Oil Pipeline Industry

Paper presented in sub-theme 04/2023:
Social Movements and Organizations:
Outcomes and Secondary Effects

Best Student Paper Award 2023

Ryann Noe
Moral Jousting: Contested Category Emergence and Its Consequences in the Toy Industry

Paper presented in sub-theme 64/2023:
Qualitative Research with Archival Data

Best Paper Award 2022

Andrea Marquez, Emily Block & Kelly Rubey
The Process of Prosocially Deploying Power: The Case of a Peacebuilding and Reconciliation NGO in Post-war Colombia

Paper presented in sub-theme 12/2022: Institutions, Innovation, and Impact: Dynamics of Exclusion and Organizational Responses

Best Student Paper Award 2022

Monica Nadegger, Milena Leybold &
Sean Kenney

“Your very existence goes against our community guidelines” – Queering Norms of Contributorship through Poetic Speech on Instagram
Paper presented in sub-theme 06/2022: Performing Creativity, Innovation, and Change: Communicating to Reconfigure the Organization

Best Paper Award 2021

Patricia Helena Hein & Shazad (Shaz) Ansari
Experiencing Time like Groundhog Day? Uncovering the Morality of Time and Temporality in End-of-life Care

Presented in sub-theme 01/2021:
Organization & Time: The Situated Activity of Time Enactment

Best Student Paper Award 2021

Siyin Chen, Chenbo Zhong &
Marlys Christianson

Art on Demand: Managing the Moral Tension between Art and Commerce in the “Porcelain Capital” of China
Presented in sub-theme 45/2021:
Moral Markets: Actors, Meanings, and Institutions

Best Paper Award 2020

Lilia Giugni & Paul Tracey
Selling Liberation: A Study of Tobacco Firms’ Gender Washing Practices toward Market Legitimation (1920s–2010s)
Presented in sub-theme 50/2020:
Social-Symbolic Work for Societal Grand Challenges: Constructing Sustainable Selves, Organizations, and Institutions

Best Student Paper Award 2020

Patricia Helena Hein & Shahzad (Shaz) Ansari
From Shelter to Emancipation: How Disabled Workers Found their Own Voice through Identity Work

Presented in sub-theme 28/2020:
Inequality, Institutions, and Organizations


Best Paper Award 2019

Andrea Carlo Lo Verso
Identity Dynamics in Emerging Interstitial Fields: The Case of Italian Civil Drone Industry (2013–2018)

Presented in sub-theme 59/2019:
Actor-centered Institutionalism: Comparing Actors, Contexts, Interactions and Change

Best Student Paper Award 2019

Madalina Pop & David Seidl
Making Sense of Grand Challenges through the Design of Communicative Spaces

Presented in sub-theme 19/2019:
Strategizing for Grand Challenges

Selection process, rules and time schedule

  • The selection committee for all three prizes comprises members of the EGOS Board, editorial members of the Organization Studies Board and members of the local Colloquium organizing committee. The selection committee is chaired by an EGOS Board member.

  • After the EGOS Colloquium in July, the sub-theme convenors nominate not more than one paper for each of the three awards out of the full papers submitted to their sub-theme via the EGOS website.

  • Sub-theme convenors can decide not to nominate a paper for either of the prizes. Sub-theme convenors cannot nominate papers that they co-author. Members of the selection committee, the local Colloquium organizing committee and the EGOS Board are excluded from competing for any of the prizes.

  • Once the formal requirements have been met, nominees are informed of their nomination by the chairperson of the selection committee. Those competing for the EGOS Best Student Paper Award may be asked to prove their status as PhD students at the time of their conference presentation.

  • From September to December, the selection committee choose the winning papers from the nominated papers. The decision will be made in early Spring, but not be announced before the next EGOS Colloquium in July.

  • The prizes are awarded at the next EGOS Colloquium in July.