James G. March Prize

The James G. March Prize is awarded bi-annually for the best article published in the EGOS online journal Organization Theory, published by SAGE.

  • This prize pays tribute to the scholarship and legacy of Jim March who has been a great inspiration to many scholars within the EGOS community.

  • The winning paper reflects the diversity of social science perspectives as they relate to organizations, organizing, and the organized. Furthermore, it offers a clear theoretical contribution to the scholarly debate, demonstrating impact, significance, critique, and novelty.

  • The prize of € 2,000 is co-awarded by the journal Organization Theory, EGOS, and SCANCOR, with SCANCOR being also the sponsor.

On July 1, 2020, the James G. March Prize has been awarded for the first time during the Awards Ceremony at the virtual 36th EGOS Colloquium 2020.

James G. March Prize 2024 – Winner

Michael Power
Theorizing the Economy of Traces: From Audit Society to Surveillance Capitalism
Organization Theory, 2022, 3 (3)


Acknowledgements: EGOS cordially thanks the following persons as jury members for their contributions in 2023:
Laure Cabantous, Joep Cornelissen, Markus Höllerer & Silviya Svejenova, together with the Associate Editors & the members of the Editorial Review Board of Organization Theory.

James G. March Prize 2022 – Winners

Vern L. Glaser, Neil Pollock & Luciana D’Adderio
The Biography of an Algorithm: Performing algorithmic technologies in organizations
Organization Theory, 2021, 2 (2)


Acknowledgements: EGOS cordially thanks the following persons as jury members for their contributions in 2021: Eva Boxenbaum, Laure Cabantous, Joep Cornelissen, Penny Dick,  Joel Gehman, Markus Höllerer, Juliane Reinecke, David Seidl,  Jesper Strandgaard & the members of the Organization Theory Editorial Review Board.

James G. March Prize 2020 – Winners

Jörgen Sandberg & Haridimos Tsoukas
Sensemaking Reconsidered: Towards a broader understanding through phenomenology
Organization Theory, 2020, 1 (1)


Acknowledgements: EGOS cordially thanks the following persons as jury members for their contributions in 2020: Eva Boxenbaum, Joep Cornelissen, Penny Dick, Joel Gehman, Markus Höllerer, Juliane Reinecke, and David Seidl (Editorial Board Organization Theory), as well as Jesper Strandgaard (SCANCOR) and the members of the Organization Theory Editorial Review Board.