EGOS Book Award

The EGOS Book Award, etablished by the EGOS Executive Board and sponsored by EGOS, was inaugurated at the 33rd EGOS Colloquium 2017 in Copenhagen, Denmark. It seeks to celebrate the linguistic diversity of scholarship in the field of organization studies performed with the depth and richness of detail afforded by a monograph.

The EGOS Book Award is granted annually to an authored book (no edited volumes or textbooks qualify), published in the three previous years – for 2025: books published in 2022, 2023, and 2024 – in a language spoken by EGOSians, which makes an original contribution to the knowledge about organizations, organizing, and the organized. It attracts a prize of EUR 2,000. The short-listed books will be reviewed in the EGOS journal Organization Studies and featured on the EGOS website.

The EGOS Book Award 2025 will be presented during the Awards Ceremony at the 41st EGOS Colloquium 2025 in Athens (Greece).

EGOS Book Award 2024: Winners

José Luis Alvarez & Silviya Svejenova: The Changing C-Suite: Executive Power in Transformation
Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2022


  • José Luis Alvarez & Silviya Svejenova: The Changing C-Suite: Executive Power in Transformation
    Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2022

  • Robin Holt & Mike Zundel: The Poverty of Strategy: Organizing in the Shadows of Technology
    Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023

  • Paula Jarzabkowski, Konstantinos Chalkias, Eugenia Cacciatori & Rebecca Bednarek: Disaster Insurance Reimagined: Protection in a Time of Increasing Risk
    Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2023

  • Giacomo Negro & Michael T. Hannan, in collaboration with Susan Olzak: Wine Markets: Genres & Identities
    New York: Columbia University Press, 2022

  • Alex Preda: The Spectacle of Expertise: Why Financial Analysts Perform in the Media
    New York: Columbia University Press, 2023

  • Glen Whelan: Megacorporation: The Infinite Times of Alphabet
    Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021

EGOS Book Award 2023: Winner

Jana Costas: Dramas of Dignity. Cleaners in the Corporate Underworld of Berlin
Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2022


  • Beth A. Bechky: Blood, Powder, and Residue. How Crime Labs Translate Evidence into Proof
    Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2021

  • Jana Costas: Dramas of Dignity. Cleaners in the Corporate Underworld of Berlin
    Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2022

  • Wendy K. Smith & Marianne W. Lewis: Both/And Thinking. Embracing Creative Tensions to Solve Your Toughest Problems
    Cambridge, MA: Harvard Business Review Press, 2022

EGOS Book Award 2022: Winner

Erin Metz McDonnell: Patchwork Leviathan: Pockets of Bureaucratic Effectiveness in Developing States Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2020


  • Sanford M. Jacoby: Labor in the Age of Finance: Pensions, Politics, and Corporations from Deindustrialization to Dodd-Frank
    Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2021

  • Erin Metz McDonnell: Patchwork Leviathan: Pockets of Bureaucratic Effectiveness in Developing States
    Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2020

  • Juliana Teixeira: Trabalho Doméstico
    São Paulo: Jandaíra, 2022

  • Melissa Tyler: Soho at Work: Pleasure and Place in Contemporary London
    Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2019

EGOS Book Award 2021: Winner

Kimberly Chong: Best Practice: Management Consulting and the Ethics of Financialization in China
Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2018


  • Mitchel Y. Abolafia: Stewards of the Market: How the Federal Reserve Made Sense of the Financial Crisis
    Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2020

  • Pia Bramming & Vibeke Andersen: Selvledende organisering
    Frederiksberg: Nyt fra Samfundsvidenskaberne, 2019

  • Kimberly Chong: Best Practice: Management Consulting and the Ethics of Financialization in China
    Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2018

  • Angèle Christin: Metrics at Work: Journalism and the Contested Meaning of Algorithms
    Princton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2020

  • Chengwei Liu: Luck: A Key Idea for Business and Society
    London: Routledge, 2020

EGOS Book Award 2020: Winners

  • Daniel Beunza: Taking the Floor: Models, Morals and Management in a Wall Street Trading Room
    Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2019

  • Kate Lockwood Harris: Beyond the Rapist: Title IX and Sexual Violence on US Campuses
    New York: Oxford University Press, 2019


  • Daniel Beunza: Taking the Floor: Models, Morals and Management in a Wall Street Trading Room
    Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2019

  • Antonio A. Casilli: En attendant les robots: Enquête sur le travail du clic
    Paris: Éditions du Seuil, 2019

  • Kimberly Chong: Best Practice: Management Consulting and the Ethics of Financialization in China
    Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2018

  • Kate Lockwood Harris: Beyond the Rapist: Title IX and Sexual Violence on US Campuses
    New York: Oxford University Press, 2019

  • Peter Payer: Der Klang der Großstadt: Eine Geschichte des Hörens. Wien 1850–1914
    Wien: Böhlau Verlag, 2019

  • Anne Vorre Hansen & Sabine Madsen: Theorizing in Organization Studies: Insights from Key Thinkers
    Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2019

EGOS Book Award 2019: Winner

Philippe Lorino: Pragmatism and Organization Studies
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018


  • Tricia Cleland Silva: Transnational Management and Globalised Workers. Nurses Beyond Human Resources
    London: Routledge, 2018

  • Marianna Fotaki & Nancy Harding: Gender and the Organization. Women at Work in the 21st Century
    London: Routledge, 2018

  • Philippe Lorino: Pragmatism and Organization Studies
    Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018

  • Fabrizio Montanari: Ecosistema creativo. Organizzazione della creatività in una prospettiva di network
    Milan: FrancoAngeli, 2018

EGOS Book Award 2018: Winners

  • Mark de Rond: Doctors at War. Life and Death in a Field Hospital
    Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2017

  • Danièle Linhart: La comédie humaine du travail. De la déshumanisation taylorienne à la sur-humanisation managériale
    Toulouse: Érès, 2015


  • Mark de Rond: Doctors at War. Life and Death in a Field Hospital
    Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2017

  • Paula Jarzabkowski, Rebecca Bednarek & Paul Spee: Making a Market for Acts of God. The Practice of Risk-Trading in the Global Reinsurance Industry
    Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2015

  • Danièle Linhart: La comédie humaine du travail. De la déshumanisation taylorienne à la sur-humanisation managériale
    Toulouse, France: Érès, 2015

  • Damian P. O’Doherty: Reconstructing Organization. The Loungification of Society
    London, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017

  • Andreas Reckwitz: Die Gesellschaft der Singularitäten. Zum Strukturwandel der Moderne
    Berlin, Germany: Suhrkamp, 2017

EGOS Book Award 2017: Winners

  • Roland Paulsen: Empty Labor. Idleness and Workplace Resistance
    Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014

  • Izabela Ślęzak: Praca kobiet świadczących usługi seksualne w agencjach towarzyskich [The Work of Female Sex Workers in Escort Agencies]
    Lodz: University of Łódź Press, 2016


  • Roland Paulsen: Empty Labor. Idleness and Workplace Resistance
    Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014

  • Paul du Gay & Signe Vikkelsø: For Formal Organization. The Past in the Present and Future of Organization Theory
    Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016

  • Alaric Bourgoin: Les Équilibristes. Une ethnographie du conseil en management [The Equilibrists: An Ethnography of Management Consulting]
    Paris: Presses des Mines, 2015

  • Izabela Ślęzak: Praca kobiet świadczących usługi seksualne w agencjach towarzyskich [The Work of Female Sex Workers in Escort Agencies]
    Lodz: University of Łódź Press, 2016

  • Jana Costas & Christopher Grey: Secrecy at Work. The Hidden Architecture of Organizational Life
    Stanford, CA: Stanford Business Books, 2016

Nominations, selection process, rules and time schedule

  • A nomination for a book can be made by any active EGOS member with fluency in the language in which the nominated book is written. Self-nominations by the author(s) will not be accepted. Books authored by EGOS Board members cannot be considered for the award during their mandate.

  • A nomination for the EGOS Book Award 2025 should consist of a book appraisal in English of approx. two pages in length.
    Please email it to the EGOS Executive Secretariat, noting “EGOS Book Award 2025” in the email’s heading.
    Submission period: September 1, 2024 to February 28, 2025.

  • The Award Committee is chaired by (a) representative(s) appointed by the EGOS Executive Board and includes EGOSians who are renowned authors of academic books. The Committee will assign two evaluators to the short-listed books with fluency in the book’s language and will finally select the winner.

  • In addition to the nominations submitted via email, to ensure a range of books for the selection, the Committee’s chair(s) will delegate a selected number of EGOSians as ‘book scouts’ in different languages who will be asked to nominate books.

  • The EGOS Book Award 2025 will be awarded at the 41st EGOS Colloquium 2025 in Athens.