We are convinced that the individualist ontological stance dominating academic debates within management and organization
studies (Janssens & Steyaert, 2019, 2020) might leave us poorly equipped to understand persistent and novel questions relating
to diversity, equity and inclusion. Therefore, the SWG emphasizes collective approaches fostering solidarity in difference
(Fleischmann et al., 2022). Hence, we want to create a base for vivid exchange and dialogue, and foster solidarity, among
scholars of the EGOS community working on the intersection of organization studies and diversity, equity and inclusion. We
want to strengthen and further develop organizational theory as an explanans for (persisting) organizational inequality regimes
as well as avenues for transformative change within and through organizations.
Our onto-epistemological approach can be summarized as process-relational and critical. It is process-relational as it gives
priority to the activities and relations that ongoingly create (our impression of stable) organizational entities (Barad,
2003; Chia, 2003). This implies to understand forms of discrimination and inequality as both affecting and resulting from
how we organize our lives in the broadest sense of the word (Diedrich, 2016). Hence, issues of diversity, equity and inclusion
are not perceived as brought into the “neutral container” (Janssens & Zanoni 2021) of the organization but as fundamentally
co-constituted through forms of organizing.