EGOS Sustainability Principles



EGOS is committed to contributing to the societal-level carbon reduction goals specified in the 2015 Paris Agreement and in the 2019 European Green Deal. The EGOS community is aware of the ecological impact caused by international conference organization and conference-related travel emissions. The EGOS leadership expresses its ambition to reduce such impact proactively, using multiple available means.

At the same time, EGOS shall not compromise its core mission as a scholarly association (as outlined in Article 2 of its statutes) which encompasses, in particular: (i) providing an international network in the field of organizational theory and research; (ii) providing an adequate forum for research presentations and discussions; (iii) supporting the socialization of young researchers into the field of organization studies; and (iv) facilitating high-quality interaction of its members.

As a good citizen of the communities and contexts in which it partakes, EGOS has been promoting responsible and ethical behavior among its members – and the sustainability principles at hand are part of these efforts. In so doing, the EGOS leadership works closely with the local organizing teams of future EGOS Colloquia to address issues and concerns of sustainability as related to EGOS activities.

The following principles are organized according to: (i) the level they address; and (ii) whether they will be implemented in the short, medium, or long term (if applicable).

EGOS as an Association

  • The EGOS leadership commits to assisting local organizers in organizing sustainable Colloquia by: (i) continuously assembling and passing on knowledge regarding sustainable conference organizing; (ii) supporting the calculation of the ecological footprint of EGOS Colloquia and pointing to initiatives that can reduce it.

  • The EGOS leadership works closely with local organizers and convenors to enable remote participation at future Colloquia while at the same time monitoring and ensuring high quality delivery of the association’s core mission, also to enhance inclusivity (cf.

  • The EGOS leadership will address anticipated issues (for instance, implications for ‘conferencing culture’ or consequences on fee structure) as they arise, and develop solutions/standards.

  • The EGOS leadership firmly discourages any form of ‘academic tourism’. To reduce the ecological footprint of Colloquia, EGOS disincentivizes participation without presenting a paper, without a formal role, or without otherwise actively participating in the Colloquia (for instance, endorsed participation by a convenor, formal invite by EGOS, role as exhibitor, as representative of an institution conducting job interviews, etc.).

  • In selecting locations for its annual Colloquia (delivering on the association’s core mission), EGOS will strongly encourage sustainable travel to the Colloquium venue and provide respective advice.

  • The EGOS leadership supports the establishment of initiatives on sustainability and sustainable organizing within the EGOS community.


Local Colloquium Organizers

The development of sustainable event organizing practices at EGOS Colloquia has always depended on initiatives taken by local organizers that have subsequently been institutionalized. These practices include the following:

  • The general catering at EGOS Colloquia offers exclusively vegetarian/vegan food.

  • EGOS requires local organizers to have a strategy on minimizing food waste.

  • EGOS requires local organizers to have a strategy on reducing plastics and paper use.

  • EGOS asks local organizers to enable remote participation for participants who demand virtual access for various reasons. All plenaries and sub-plenaries are streamed.

  • Given the increasing scientific evidence that carbon offsetting schemes are generally unlikely to help combatting the climate crisis and might even be detrimental, EGOS encourages Colloquium attendees to avoid flying as much as possible, for example, by avoiding connecting flights or switching to train travel where this is possible. EGOS provides advice to members on the respective annual Colloquium website and to local organizers during preparatory meetings.

  • EGOS encourages local organizers to integrate themes broadly related to issues and concerns of sustainability (in the context of organizations and organizing) in the scientific program of each Colloquium.


Individual EGOS Members

EGOS members will be made aware of the ecological footprint of Colloquium participation. They are advised to critically revisit their individual need for conference-related travel and/or to explore alternative, low-emission means of transportation. Minimizing flying is currently by far the most impactful solution. A calculation of the average ecological/CO2 footprint from Colloquium participation plus transportation will be part of every Colloquium.


Revision of this document

The principles at hand are subject to revision by the EGOS Executive Board.