Sub-theme 02: [SWG] Rethinking the Impact and Performance Implications of CSR

Christopher Wickert, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands
José A. Puppim de Oliveira, Fundação Getulio Vargas, Brazil
Garima Sharma, Georgia State University, USA
Session I: Thursday, July 07, 11:00 to 12:30, TC.4.05
Non-financial Reporting
Chair: Christopher Wickert, José A. Puppim de Oliveira, Garima Sharma
Andreas Rasche, Koen van Bommel and André Spicer
From values to value: The commensuration of sustainability reporting and the crowding out of morality
Lucas Boucaud
How do people both account for and steer what they have done? An ethnographical study of non-financial reporting in a French multinational company
Discussant(s): Andreas Rasche
Charles Abela
Anticipating the future by clinging onto the past: the bias in financial reporting
Discussant(s): Andromachi Athanasopoulou
Session II: Thursday, July 07, 14:00 to 15:30
- Parallel Stream -
Parallel Stream A: Organizing for Sustainability - Room: TC.4.05
Chair: Christopher Wickert
Andromachi Athanasopoulou, Emilio Marti and David Risi
Why companies engage in policy-practice or means-ends decoupling: A comparative case study of CSR implementation
Discussant(s): Charles Abela
Giovanna Afeltra, Eliana Minelli, Lara Liboni and Luciana Cezarino
Dynamic capabilities to manage innovation towards sustainability and their antecedents: empirical evidence from manufacturing firms
Discussant(s): Lisanne Veter
Lisanne J. Veter, Jatinder S. Sidhu, Harry Commandeur and Henk W. Volberda
How corporate leaders’ masculinity-femininity shapes corporate social performance
Discussant(s): Giovanna Afeltra
Parallel Stream B: Sustainability Effects on Employees - Room: TC.4.04
Chair: José A. Puppim de Oliveira
Hans Jaich, Sarah Jastram and Knut Blind
Contextual spillover effects of environmental management practices on employees’ private sphere pro-environmental behavior: The mediating role of descriptive social norms among co-workers
Discussant(s): Lucas Boucaud
Nils Kruse
I’m sorry.” – “No, you’re not!” Field experimental evidence of the effect of hypocritical CSR communication on employee misbehavior
Discussant(s): Mirel Tatomir
Session III: Friday, July 08, 09:00 to 10:30
- Parallel Stream -
Parallel Stream A: Impact Investing - Room: TC.4.05
Chair: Garima Sharma
Annebeth Roor and Karen Maas
Do impact investors live up to their promise? A systematic literature review on impact measurement of investments
Discussant(s): Emilio Marti
Emilio Marti, Martin Fuchs, Mark R. DesJardine, Rieneke Slager and Jean-Pascal Gond
The iceberg model of shareholder impact: A review of how sustainable investing influences companies
Discussant(s): Annebeth Roor
Chiara Andreoli and Paolo Taticchi
Close the gap in Impact Investing: a framework to measure and manage social impact at the ecosystem level
Discussant(s): Wendy Chapple
Parallel Stream B: Organizating for Sustainability - Room: TC.4.04
Chair: Christopher Wickert
Marie Lemaire
“Hey, what did you expect?” The impact of job satisfaction and workers’ social engagement on satisfaction regarding CSR and whistleblowing intentions
Discussant(s): Hang Do
Paula de Jancso Fabiani and Luciana Vieira
The corporate donation chain
Discussant(s): Luc Bres
Luc Brès, Fazia Ketta, Marc Journeault and Sara Russo Garrido
The impact of an external assessment of CSR performance for internal actors: The ECPAR barometer of sustainable procurement
Discussant(s): Paula Fabiani
Session IV: Friday, July 08, 11:00 to 12:30
- Parallel Stream -
Parallel Stream A: Bright and Dark Sides of Sustainability Management - Room: TC.4.05
Chair: José A. Puppim de Oliveira
Leonie Decrinis
Compliance inducement versus goal achievement: A behavioural approach to means-ends decoupling of corporate ethics programmes
Discussant(s): Arianna Pisciella
Mirel Tatomir
ESG data challenges: User descresion is advised
Discussant(s): Nils Kruse
Arianna Pisciella
Accounting for Sustainable Development Goal n.12: A real effects analysis
Discussant(s): Leonie Decrinis
Parallel Stream B: Sustainability in Context - Room: TC.4.04
Chair: Garima Sharma
Hang Do, Hien Nguyen and Laura Costanzo
Uncovering relationship between corporate social responsibility and corporate socialiIrresponsibility during crisis
Discussant(s): Marie Lemaire
Soumya Rajan
Propounding an integrated solution ecosystem to effectuate CSR in India: An alternate framework
Discussant(s): Aparna Raj C
Aparna Raj C
Corporate Social Responsibility in India: A story of compliance than commitment
Discussant(s): Soumya G. Rajan
Session V: Friday, July 08, 14:00 to 15:30
- Parallel Stream -
Parallel Stream A: Sustainability in Communities - Room: TC.4.05
Chair: Christopher Wickert
Wenjuan Zheng, Leila Cornips and Florentine Maier
Dimensions of nonprofit performance: What businesses doing CSR can learn from nonprofit organizations' understandings of success
Discussant(s): Eduardo Hernandez
Eduardo Hernandez
When promises face reality: contested tensions in corporate community engagement processes
Discussant(s): Wenjuan Zheng
Verena Girschik, Francesco Oliviero Caccioni and Jasper Hotho
Between a rock and a hard place: Role attrition in collective action
Discussant(s): Pauline C. Reinecke
Parallel Stream B: Sustainability in Context - Room: TC.4.04
Chair: José A. Puppim de Oliveira
Erasmus zu Ermgassen, Vivian Ribeiro, Toby Gardner, Tiago Reis and Patrick Meyfroidt
‘Do Pasto ao Prato’: a citizen science initiative to (m)app the supply chain of cattle products within Brazil
Discussant(s): Franziska Hittmair
Elizabeth M. Miller, Olli Sahimaa and Minna Halme
Adapting socio-ecological systems thinking for organizations and management: A methodological approach for theorizing indirect organization-system impacts
Discussant(s): Chikako Oka
Chikako Oka, Rachel Alexander, Niklas Egels Zandén and Shahidur Rahman
When a business case puts a sustainability case at risk: Capacity building initiatives in global value chains
Discussant(s): Elizabeth M. Miller
Session VI: Saturday, July 09, 09:00 to 10:30, TC.4.05
Sustainability Performance Revisted
Chair: Garima Sharma
Pauline C. Reinecke, Stephanie Schrage and Thomas Wrona
Digitalization and explicitization of CSR: How corporations thrive towards articulated and voluntary practices of data responsibility
Discussant(s): Verena Girschik
Franziska Hittmair and Youtha Cuypers
The effect of acquisitions on corporate environmental performance: Evaluating the role of primary stakeholder groups
Discussant(s): Erasmus zu Ermgassen
Burcin Hatipoglu and Bengi Ertuna
A multilevel approach to evaluate the impacts of CSR based on societal perspectives
Discussant(s): Chiara Andreoli
Session VII: Saturday, July 09, 11:00 to 12:30, TC.4.05
Taking Stock and Moving Forward: Discussing our Research Agenda
Chair: Andreas Rasche