Discussion of Participants' Papers
Round Table 1
Chair: Markus A. Höllerer & Kamal Munir
Shipeng Yan: On the emergence of hybrid organizations: A study of global SRI funds Ziva Sharp: Dynamics of harmony in conflicting logics Eshani Beddewela: Managing Corporate Responsibility in multinational corporations: Resolving institutional duality
Mélissa Boudes: Complexity change and institutional strategies: The case of social innovation
Room: DEREE-606
Round Table 2
Chair: Michael Lounsbury & Jeannette Colyvas
Mikko Vesa: When the code refused to budge: The emergence of an unintended, nascent logic under institutional complexity
Guillermo Casasnovas: The liability of 'social' Virginie Svenningen-Berthelem: I love my work but how do I make sense of its complexity? The role of individuals' emotions in hybrid work
Erkan Erdemir: Legitimacy work in emergence of new organizational forms: The case of Tanpinar’s Time Regulation Institute
Room: DEREE-607
Round Table 3
Chair: Renate Meyer & William Ocasio
Chloé Adler: Resistance to change or identity renewal? Sensemaking and the new public management in Quebec universities Diego Perez-Lopez: The dynamics of sustainability reporting adoption: Combining institutional and efficiency perspectives Ana M. Aranda: On two sides of the smoke screen: How SMOs and corporations use protests and lobbying to influence institutional change Helen Etchanchu: Why won't you listen to me? The role of discursive legitimacy during episodes of contention
Room: DEREE-608
Round Table 4
Chair: Tammar B. Zilber & Julien Jourdan
Saeed Akhlaghpour: IT gurus with or without a cause: Institutional work in the IT fashion setting process Barbara Fryzel: CSR-induced corporate identity. Institutionalised CSR and its economic value Christian E. Hampel: Institutional reincarnation: "The Impossible Project" of saving polaroid photography, 2008–2014 Georg Reischauer: Network-centered and institution-centered strategies to benefit from the diffusing knowledge of innovation systems: The case
of the triple helix
Room: DEREE-609
Round Table 5
Chair: Patricia Thornton & John Amis
Grace Fan: Values old and new: Building an entrepreneurial logic to navigate institutional complexity Maria Margarida De Avillez: Contextualising social entrepreneurship in developing economies: The microfoundations of trans-cultural embeddedness Wenyao Zhao: Bringing context back in: Indexicality and mounting Institutional work Hua Wei: Institutional bricolage: How Chinese actors build an institutional field to corral a market