
Pre-Colloquium Development Workshop


PDW-03 [SWG 08]
Using Historical Approaches in Organizational Research

Wednesday, July 1, 2015, 09:00–13:00

Location: DEREE-601

Convenors & Faculty:

Program PDW-03

09:00 – 10:45

Designing Historical Research for Management Journals

10:45 – 11:00 Coffee break
11:00 – 13:00

Working Paper Presentations and Discussions (3 Round Tables)


Room: DEREE-601

Round Table 1

Discussants: R. Daniel Wadhwani & Gabrielle Durepos


Diego Coraiola: Towards an institutional view of organizational mnemonics
Emma Avetisyan: Accounting for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): The social construction of CSR ratings at Kinder, Lydenberg and Domini Analytics (KLD)
Deniz Tunçalp: Institutional work and managerial play in cultural industries: Microhistorical cases of four 'exceptional typical' art start‐ups in Istanbul
Wim van Lent: When too many are not enough: Performance implications of 'imposed' diversity at the VOC


Room: DEREE-602

Round Table 2

Discussants: Matthias Kipping & Eero Vaara


Joost Luyckx: Controversies around the MNC in the public debate: Towards theory on MNCs’ legitimacy at the class level
José Carlos Marques: A league of their own: Private governance initiatives' drivers and strategies in the global apparel industry
Yves Plourde: Scaling up doubt to influence global thinking: Adaptive sensemaking at Greenpeace International
Hyemi Shin: What do you expect from them? The spirit of CSR on the dyamics of South Korean national business system


Room: DEREE-603

Round Table 3

Discussants: William M. Foster & Bill Cooke


Christina Lubinski: Constructing the 'Aryan' firm: Uses of history and historical dialogue
Erzsébet Fazekas: The emergence of nonprofit organizations in state socialist Hungary: An institutional logic approach
Adi Sapir: Protecting legitimacy through boundary work: Demarcating pure science and applied science in an institute of basic research
Anna Moretti: Resisting entrepreneurs: A conceptual framework of entrepreneurial imprinting