Sub-theme 35: Fields of Possibilities: Interstitial Spaces, Institutional Infrastructures, and the Social Topology of the Future

Santi Furnari, City, University of London, United Kingdom
Danielle Logue, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
Charlene Zietsma, Pennsylvania State University, USA
Session I: Thursday, July 06, 09:00 to 10:30, Magistero – PS – 1_3B
Grand Challenges
Chair: Charlene Zietsma
Daan Peeters and Corinna Frey-Heger
For the harvest of tomorrow: Establishing multivocal framing of a grand challenge in an interstitial space
Discussant(s): Cooper, Milo, Reinecke
Susan Cooper, Yuval Millo and Juliane Reinecke
Distributive responsibilization in interstitial fields for future-oriented wicked problems: The case of pensions funds and climate risk
Discussant(s): Peeters, Frey-Heger
Session II: Thursday, July 06, 11:00 to 12:30, Magistero – PS – 1_3B
Interstitial Spaces and Fields
Chair: Santi Furnari
Nermin Kassib-Accou, François Grima, Alexandre Salvatori and François Grima
Interstitial spaces and boundary work: A comparison of a failure and success in the bank field
Discussant(s): Andjela Pavlovic, Cristiano Busco
Andjela Pavlovic, Cristiano Busco and Cristiano Busco
Role of interstitial spaces in field creation- From a new discourse on corporate purpose to an institutional field creation
Discussant(s): Kassib-Accou, Grima, Salvatori
Paulo Savaget, Marc J. Ventresca and Marya L. Besharov
Field frames of systems change: An analysis of philanthropic funders
Discussant(s): Zimmerman
Session III: Thursday, July 06, 14:00 to 15:30, Magistero – PS – 1_3B
Imagined Futures I
Chair: Danielle Logue
Stephan D. Manning, Nichole K. Wissman and Ana Paula Suárez López
The art of engaging audiences: How impact producers run film-based campaigns for social change
Discussant(s): Christian
Florian Köhne
Restoring the future-making capacity of marginalized social actors: Interstitial spaces as fields of empowerment
Discussant(s): Manning
Alex Christian
Making futures for care homes remotely: an ethnographic study of a public-private innovation challenge
Discussant(s): Koehne
Session IV: Friday, July 07, 09:00 to 10:30, Magistero – PS – 1_3B
Imagined Futures II
Chair: Charlene Zietsma
Mia Chang
Forward-looking cognition: Visions, possibilities, and opportunities
Discussant(s): Polaki, Kodeih, van Lent
Eleonora Grassi, Andrea Carlo Lo Verso and Andrea Carlo Lo Verso
From ideals to new organizational forms: How fields emerge around visions of a better future
Discussant(s): Chang
Habofanoe J. Polaki, Farah Kodeih and Wim van Lent
Institutional translation ad infinitum: Localizing HIV/AIDS relief in Lesotho
Discussant(s): Grassi, Lo Verso
Session V: Friday, July 07, 11:00 to 12:30, Magistero – PS – 1_3B
Technology I
Chair: Danielle Logue
Thorsten Koch
Field evolution and technological change: Digitalization of the North American TV production industry
Discussant(s): Aversa, Moeen
Lien De Cuyper, Nelson Phillips and Bart Clarysse
Hype, uncertainty, and lock-in: The dynamics of new venture adoption of emerging technologies
Discussant(s): Koch
Paolo Aversa and Mahka Moeen
Understanding industry stall through the historical rise and fall of supersonic aviation
Discussant(s): De Cuyper, Phillips, Clarysse
Session VI: Friday, July 07, 14:00 to 15:30, Magistero – PS – 1_3B
Technology II
Chair: Santi Furnari
Yunjung Pak, Tim R. Hannigan and Devereaux Jennings
Crisis and institutional voids: The unintended normative consequence of multiverse moves in response to the ICO blockchain field hack
Discussant(s): Saner, Muetzel
Katharina Burger
Privacy-enhancing technology futures in the data economy
Discussant(s): Pak, Hannigan, Jennings
Philippe Saner, Sophie Mützel and Sophie Mützel
Digital Skills in Spaces of Opportunities
Discussant(s): Burger
Session VII: Saturday, July 08, 09:00 to 10:30, Magistero – PS – 1_3B
Chair: Charlene Zietsma
Laura Albareda, Oana Branzei and Marc Castellnou
'Spreading like wildfire': Climate-adaptation organizations creating interstitial space to rehearse post-future scenarios
Discussant(s): Wissman-Weber, Manning, Bertana
Achim Oberg, Lianne M. Lefsrud and Renate E. Meyer
Growing recognition: Field-level future-making to address climate change
Discussant(s): Albareda, Branzei, Castellnou
Nichole K. Wissman, Stephan D. Manning and Amanda Bertana
Organizational scaffolding for climate adaptation: The development of interstitial spaces between local and external stakeholders
Discussant(s): Oberg, Lefsrud, Meyer
This is an only HYBRID session!
Session VIII: Saturday, July 08, 11:00 to 12:30, Magistero – PS – 1_3B
Frames and Framing
Chair: Santi Furnari
Angelika Zimmermann
Frame deliberation, emotions, and co-creation of imagined futures during multi-stakeholder workshops
Discussant(s): Savaget, Ventresca, Besharov