Sub-plenary 4:

Process Methods and Perspectives


Paula Jarzabkowski

Professor Strategic Management
Aston Business School, UK




Paula Jarzabkowski's research focuses on strategy-as-practice in complex contexts. Her particular expertise is in the detailed ethnographic study of business problems, including multi-site and team- based ethnography and considering global phenomena as ethnographic objects. For example, she has recently completed an ethnographic study of the global reinsurance industry across multiple countries and firms. She enjoys the challenge of publishing such work in leading journals including Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Management Studies, Organization Science, Organization Studies and Strategic Management Journal.


Ann Langley

Professor of Strategic Manage-
ment and Research Methods
HEC Montréal, Canada



Ann Langley has research expertise in strategy, organizational change, health care management, and research methods.

Ann's current work deals with leadership collaboration, identity and strategic change in complex organizations from a process perspective.

Previous work has appeared in journals such as Academy of Management Review, Administrative Science Quarterly, Organization Science, Organization Studies, Journal of Management Studies, and Strategic Organization.



Robert Chia

Professor of Management
Adam Smith Business School
University of Glasgow, UK



Robert Chia is a Research Professor of Management at Adam Smith Business School, University of Glasgow, UK.

He is interested in research on process organization studies, paradigms, strategy practices and strategic sensemaking, foresight and peripheral awareness, and the educational role of university business schools.

Robert' s research has been published in journals such as Organization Studies, Organization Science, Journal of Management Studies, and Management Learning.


This sub-plenary panel will examine different approaches to scholarship that draw on a process perspective,
i.e. a perspective that emphasizes emergence, activity and flow over time rather than static relationships among variables.

Paula Jarzabkowski is known for her empirical work that reflects process thinking in different forms.

Robert Chia is known for his philosophical contributions advocating a process perspective to organization studies.

We hope the two speakers will challenge each other and the audience as they reflect on ways to link the conceptual ideas of process philosophy with the pragmatics of empirical research.