Sub-plenary 2:

Dynamics of Organizational Routines


Luciana D’Adderio

Reader in Management, University of Strathclyde Business School, UK
Innovation Fellow with the Advanced Institute of Management (AIM) Research




Luciana D'Adderio's research focuses on the micro dynamics of organisational practices/routines, with an emphasis on the role of materiality on their emergence and evolution. Her recent work draws from performativity-inspired approaches to inform key mainstream management debates including modularity, replication and innovation.

Luciana's publications include articles in leading organizational and innovation journals including Organization Science, Organization Studies, Accounting, Organizations and Society, Research Policy, Industrial and Corporate Change and Information and Organizations, as well as a monograph with Elgar (2004). She is currently a Senior Guest Editor for the Special Issue of "Organization Science on Routines Dynamics".


Martha Feldman

Professor of Planning, Policy & Design, Management, Sociology and Political Science
University of California, USA



Martha Feldman is the Johnson Chair for Civic Governance and Public Management in the School of Social Ecology at the University of California, Irvine, USA.


Martha is best known for her work on organizational routines and, particularly, for the development of the idea of routine dynamics.


She has also contributed to research on the management of constructive public engagement and to the development of qualitative research, particularly the analysis of qualitative data. Her research is influenced by practice theory and phenomenology and has contributed to the process theorizing of organizations and organizing.


Carlo Salvato

Associate Professor of
Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship
Bocconi University, Milan, Italy




Carlo Salvato obtained a PhD in business administration and management from Bocconi University, Italy, and a PhD in entrepreneurship and management from Jönköping International Business School, Sweden. His current research focus is on the microfoundations and evolution of organizational routines and capabilities, with an empirical focus on closely-held firms. He is Program Chair 2014, and future Chair, of the Entrepreneurship Division of the Academy of Management.

He has authored papers in journals such as Organization Science, Journal of Management Studies, Journal of Management, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, Family Business Review, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation. He is Associate Editor of the Family Business Review and serves in the Board of Review of the Journal of Business Venturing.