Sub-theme 55: Organizing beyond Hierarchy?

Johan Alvehus, Lund University, Sweden
Perttu Salovaara, Helsinki University, Finland
Nela Smolović Jones, The Open University, United Kingdom
Session I: Thursday, July 04, 09:00 to 10:30, U6-P-1-03
Organizational Design
Constantin Bremer
New organizational forms: Reviewing traditions, themes, and trends
Daniel Curto-Millet and Almudena Cañibano
Digital transformation: An agile, polycentric, bottom-up approach
Jori Mäkkeli and Mia Leppälä
Non-participation in participatory organization design – Barriers of post-hierarchical organization design
Session II: Thursday, July 04, 11:00 to 12:30
- Parallel Stream -
Parallel Stream A: Problematizing Hierarchy - Room: U6-P-1-03
Michal Izak, Peter Case and Sierk Ybema
Monologue and hierarchies: A communicational perspective
Laura Empson and Johan Alvehus
“It was his finest hour”: The ideology and politics of collegiality
Judith Watson and Ana Lopes
‘Releasing the reins’: Employee participation, employee-ownership and the intersection of hierarchy and governance
Parallel Stream B: Social Movements and Communities - Room: U6-P1-31
Ari Stillman
Organizing against hierarchy: r/Antiwork and atomized efficacy
Jack Davis
“They’ve used that connection to build something else”: Exploring care ethics through the anarchy of community self-organization
Victor Andres Renza and Eliane Bucher
“It just took off organically and everyone came running to support”: How a cryptoart community organizes for real-life social impact
Session III: Thursday, July 04, 14:00 to 15:30
- Parallel Stream -
Parallel Stream A: Organizational Design - Room: U6-P-1-03
Laust Pedersen, Nikolaj Stegeager and Claus Elmholdt
Pockets of agile organizing in a hierarchical financial organization: A qualitative study of leadership challenges, consequences, and contingencies when agile and hierarchical organizing intersect
Merit E.J. Morikawa
Organizational structure as a context for individual motivation: A self-determination lens for organizational design
Camille Boullier
The promise of organisational re-enchantment. The case of Teal in a French industrial energy company
Parallel Stream B: Questions of Democracy - Room: U6-P1-31
Tuukka Kostamo and Reima Launonen
High hopes? The long and winding road towards workplace democracy
Christian Martin Kroll and Rebecca Ruehle
Navigating tensions in self-organization and organizational democracy: A qualitative investigation
Charles Barthold, Sanela Smolović Jones and Owain Smolović Jones
Understanding the need for radical democracy in management and organization studies through agonism and dissensus
Session IV: Friday, July 05, 09:00 to 10:30
- Parallel Stream -
Parallel Stream A: Questions of Democracy - Room: U6-P-1-03
Melina Schichta
Open strategy and organizational democracy: Dealing with contradictions
Edoardo Croce
Rethinking hierarchy: a comprehensive analysis of professional dynamics in evolving healthcare organizations
Olivier Jégou, Myriam Michaud and Olivier Rafélis de Broves
Triple-way towards democracy in a worker-based co-operative
Parallel Stream B: Leadership and Followership - Room: U6-P1-31
Diansha Wang and David Collinson
Follower survival strategies in a virtual context
Sabrina Loufrani-Fedida and Valérie Hauch
Transformational leadership and followers’ enrolment: An overtime investigation of a non-hierarchical organizing
Lewis Whales, Stephen Frawley, Adam Cohen and Natalia Nikolova
Leading by example: Team leadership through action
Parallel Stream C: Organizational Design - Room: U6-P0-17
Silvio Piredda and Maria Chiara Di Guardo
Linking design and performance in Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs): A design science perspective
Daniel Semper, Florentine Maier and Michael Meyer
The role of boundary management in circular organizational design
Bernhard Resch
Built to change: Thinking polycentric and regenerative organizing through foams.
Session V: Friday, July 05, 11:00 to 12:30
Problematizing Hierarchy
 A: Problematizing Hierarchy - Room: U6-P-1-03
Laurianne Terlinden
Unveiling the persistence of authority: The paradox of participative management in new forms of organising
Ma. Victoria Bravo and Jean Saludadez
Collective and non-hierarchical accomplishment of interorganizational collaboration: Communicative practices of an international body
Philipp D. Schaller
Subsidiary hierarchies as a practicable form of hybrid organization: A historical case study of the Prussian-German military management concept ‘Auftragstaktik’
 B: Social Movements and Communities - Room: U6-P1-31
Kate Monahan and Rick Colbourne
Emancipatory entrepreneuring: The impact of social justice, activist and outlaw entrepreneurial practices on ‘just transitions’
Erim Ergene and Seray Ergene
Tackling grand challenges with cooperatives: Democracy, equity, and ecological wellbeing
Daniel King and Martyn Griffin
“What Works” for workplace democracy? A deliberative model for collectively building non-hierarchical organizations
Session VI: Friday, July 05, 14:00 to 15:30
- Parallel Stream -
Parallel Stream A: Identity - Room: U6-P-1-03
Alexis Laszczuk, Alaric Bourgoin and Michael Y. Lee
Maintaining organizational identity in a ‘liberated’ consulting firm
Merja Luostarinen and Perttu Salovaara
Shared social identity leadership in a self-managing organization
Claudia Pölderl
Imagine "we" in organizations – An ethnographic study
Parallel Stream B: Controlling and Governing - Room: U6-P1-31
Marine De Ridder and Frederik Claeyé
Techno-normative control in a 'self-managed' police precinct: Adopting body-worn cameras collectively
Dan Kärreman, Blagoy Blagoev and Jana Costas
“We know that we work slightly more than anybody else” – Chrononormativity and the personalization of temporal control in a professional service firm
Fabien Seraiarian
"Subjectivity and intersubjectivity in organizations: The implementation of shared governance in a multinational company"
Session VII: Saturday, July 06, 09:00 to 10:30
- Parallel Stream -
Parallel Stream A: Leadership and Followership - Room: U6-P-1-03
Laura J. Reeves and Clare Rigg
Leading collectively – A sociomaterial perspective
Emilie Poli
Self-managing organizations, promises and pitfalls of the distribution of leadership
Wilma van der Scheer
Shared leadership in health care
Parallel Stream B: Self-Management - Room: U6-P1-31
Louise Colling, Frédéric Dufays and Didier Van Caillie
How is collective symbolic authority built in a transition from post-heroic management to collaborative work?
Frank Martela
Self-managing organizations as enlightened oligarchies – Identifying mechanisms to oppose oligarchization
Dmytro Syrotkin
Power in self-managing organizations
Session VIII: Saturday, July 06, 11:00 to 12:30, U6-P-1-03
Organizational Design
Alice Erthal, Marcelo Brasileiro and Iara Garcia
Implementing a radical self-managing model: The impacts of holacracy on professionals
Olli-Pekka Kauppila, Dmytro Syrotkin, Frank Martela and Henri Schildt
Distinguishing cultural and structural dimensions of self-management: Developing new measures for self-management in organizations
Julian Jonathan Markus and Phillip Nell
Decentralized organizational design: Conditions and cross-dimension interplay of the sociotechnical system