Sub-theme 58: Pursuing Social Change through Work

Grace Augustine, The University of Bath, United Kingdom
Amit Nigam, City, University of London, United Kingdom
Vontrese D. Pamphile, George Washington University, USA
Session I: Thursday, July 04, 09:00 to 10:30, U6-P1-40
Insider Activist Wellbeing and Burnout
Chair: Vontrese D. Pamphile
Elisa Alt, Andreana Drencheva and Ute Stephan
The inner journey of social intrapreneurs: Wellbeing dynamics and identity work
Discussant(s): Katina Sawyer
Claire Schulze Schleithoff and Evgenia I. Lysova
“I am no longer an activist”: Why and how do DEI professionals lose connection to their idealistic motives?
Discussant(s): Elisa Alt
Katina Sawyer and Vontrese D. Pamphile
The impact of mega-threats on issue sellers: A longitudinal, inductive examination of chief diversity officers pre- and post-George Floyd
Discussant(s): Evgenia Lysova
Session II: Thursday, July 04, 11:00 to 12:30, U6-P1-40
Expertise in Social Change Work
Chair: Grace Augustine
Trishna Chauhan and Trish Reay
Striving for social change: Navigating the interplay between experiential and professional knowledge for social change in mental health care services
Discussant(s): Sean Sulivan
Laure Lelasseux, Frank de Bakker and Grace Augustine
It’s hard to be a saint in the city: Constructing expertise in corporate social responsibility management
Discussant(s): Arthur Gauthier
Sean Y. Sulivan, Maxim Voronov, Trish Reay and Jean-François Soublière
A mosaic of expertise: How the ‘Clean Air’ movement configured its systems of occupation to address social issues
Discussant(s): Trishna Chauhan
Arthur Gauthier Penhirin
The construction and restriction of environmental insider activism through boundary work
Discussant(s): Laure Lelasseux
Session III: Thursday, July 04, 14:00 to 15:30, U6-P1-40
Traditional Occupations as Agents of Change
Chair: Amit Nigam
Nikolas Rathert and Ashley Metz
Move fast and not break things? Theorizing the profession of product managers and the societalization of Silicon Valley
Discussant(s): Julia Borgers
Nathania Chua
Holding power to account: The social-symbolic work of accountants as activists
Discussant(s): Niko Rathert or Ashley Metz
Julia Borgers, Kristina Lauche, Stefan Heusinkveld and Armand Smits
Professionals pursuing social change through work: Developing a ‘green barometer’ for sustainability in operating rooms
Discussant(s): Nathania Chua
Session IV: Friday, July 05, 09:00 to 10:30, U6-P1-40
Navigating Careers and Social Change
Chair: Vontrese D. Pamphile
Tatiana Egorova
Emotional culture of hope as a driver of entrepreneurial social action in war zones
Discussant(s): Stephanie Giamporcaro or Emmanuelle Garbe
Kathleen A. Stephenson and Caroline Essers
Navigating intrapersonal tensions when moonlighting for social justice
Discussant(s): Tatiana Egorova
Stephanie Giamporcaro, Jean-Pascal Gond, Celine Louche and Emmanuelle Garbe
Career bootstrapping and the pursuit of social change: How individuals’ involvement in the design of sustainable finance regulations impact their careers
Discussant(s): Katie Stephenson
Session V: Friday, July 05, 11:00 to 12:30, U6-P1-40
(Re)positioning Healthcare as an Engine of Social Change
Chair: Amit Nigam
Yidi Guo, Quy Huy and Saouré Kouamé
Emotion reconciling: Addressing attention load problems in organizations tackling societal grand challenges
Discussant(s): Nishani Bourmault
Yuhan Huang, Philip Almond and Lisa Sezer
Hybrid managers and hybrid logic in a Chinese hospital
Discussant(s): Céleste Fournier or Paula Cristofalo
Nishani Bourmault
How who you serve shapes who you are? The journey of doctors involved in global surgery
Discussant(s): Quy Huy
Céleste Fournier and Paula Cristofalo
With, against, despite doulas ? Collaboration, tensions, negotiations experienced by hospital midwives in the French context
Discussant(s): Yuhan Huang
Session VI: Friday, July 05, 14:00 to 15:30, U6-P1-40
Tensions and Future of CSR with Sustainability Managers
Chair: Grace Augustine
Svenja Rehwinkel and Steffen Farny
Peering through paradox – How sustainability professionals navigate the mission-market paradox together
Discussant(s): Karin Kreutzer or Carina Keller
Laure Bereni, Thomas Depecker and Sophie Dubuisson-Quellier
“I saw that I had more impact here”: Corporate sustainability managers and the pursuit of social change at work
Discussant(s): Frank de Bakker or Adrien Billet
Karin Kreutzer, Carina Keller, Diane Owin and Myriam Bechtoldt
Sustainability managers’ moral role identity – How moral (dis-)engagement shapes corporate climate (in-)action
Discussant(s): Svenja Rehwinkel
Adrien Billiet, Johan Bruneel and Frank de Bakker
Going down the corporate ladder while maintaining strategic relevance. Insights from CSR managers in large corporations
Discussant(s): Laure Bereni, Thomas Depecker, or Sophie Dubuisson-Quellier
Session VII: Saturday, July 06, 09:00 to 10:30, U6-P1-40
Pursuing Social Change through Social Enterprises
Chair: Grace Augustine
Cheng Lu and Paulo Savaget
Institutional custodianship meets institutional translation: The custodial responses of the Chinese government to the translation of social enterprises into China
Discussant(s): Tommaso Ramus
Nitesh Bhat
Meaning-making of work: A process of evolution of individuals’ work meanings in a social enterprise
Discussant(s): Cheng Lu
Flavia Cau, Tommaso Ramus and Antonino Vaccaro
From breaking to baking: How work integration social enterprise secure durable reintegration of ex-convicts
Discussant(s): Nitesh Bhat
Session VIII: Saturday, July 06, 11:00 to 12:30, U6-P1-40
Perceptions of Social Impact + Sub-theme Conclusion
Chair: Vontrese D. Pamphile
Andrew Montandon
Overpromising? CSR actions and clarity of purpose
Discussant(s): Haley Beer
Haley A. Beer
What is it like to measure social change? A phenomenological inquiry
Discussant(s): Andrew Montandon