Sub-theme 54: Organizing Algorithms: Sociotechnical Crossings in Space and Time

Maximilian Heimstädt, Bielefeld University, Germany
Sine Nørholm Just, Roskilde University, Denmark
Helene Friis Ratner, Aarhus University, Denmark
Session I: Thursday, July 04, 09:00 to 10:30, U6-P1-35
Platforms I
Chair: Helene Friis Ratner
Pauline de Becdelièvre and Sophia Galière
Stakeholders' strategies facing platform work and algorithmic management: A case study of ARPE professional elections in France for food-delivery and VTC workers
Ritu Raj and Rajesh Chandwani
Navigating paradoxical affordances: Resistance mechanisms in platform work
Vedant Kaul
What managerial work is the algorithm doing? Conceptualising role of an algorithmic manager using grounded theory methodology
Session II: Thursday, July 04, 11:00 to 12:30, U6-P1-35
Chair: Sine Nørholm Just
Julia Waldegger and Richard Weiskopf
Write me, and I will tell you who you are: Algorithmic governmentality in predictive hiring
Sonja Koehne and Sascha Friesike
From worker data to managerial action? Exploring the enactment of people analytics in traditional organizations
Felix Diefenhardt
Consider the dashboard: How HR data and algorithms come to matter through visual interfaces
Session III: Thursday, July 04, 14:00 to 15:30, U6-P1-35
Platforms II
Chair: Maximilian Heimstädt
Adarsh Kumar
Platforms as multinational corporations: A comparative case of Uber in India and the UK
Lilo Meier
‘Lost in translation’ – Algorithmic compromising in an alternative organization
Attila Bruni and Francesco Bonifacio
Programmed ambiguity: Airbnb, Glovo, and the articulation of power and control
Session IV: Friday, July 05, 09:00 to 10:30, U6-P1-35
Public Sector
Chair: Sine Nørholm Just
Karen Boll
AI in regulatory work
Jakob Laage-Thomsen
AI in potentia: Danish AI welfare projects between unlimited potentiality and never quite cancelled projects
Maximilian Heimstädt and Simon Egbert
Producing “actionable” predictions: How organizational anticipation shapes algorithmic futures
Session V: Friday, July 05, 11:00 to 12:30, U6-P1-35
Collective Attitudes and Ideas
Chair: Maximilian Heimstädt
Francesco Gualdi and Lena Sophia Popp
Workers’ attitudes towards algorithmic management systems: A socio-technical journey from cognitive complacency to algorithm aversion
Aleksander Groth, Leonhard Dobusch and Monica Nadegger
The emergence of a firestorm: Following communicative chain reactions on reddit
Session VI: Friday, July 05, 14:00 to 15:30, U6-P1-35
Chair: Helene Friis Ratner
Mauricio G. Geleilate
Deus ex machina? The influence of artificial intelligence on managerial decision making about frontline workers
Antonio La Sala, Laura Riolli and Ryan Fuller
The opacity of the bright light: Organizational decision-making at the dawn of the algorithmic age. Toward an eschatological algocracy?
Frank den Hond, Afshin Mehrpouya and Christine Moser
Explainability in AI: Navigating accountability and responsibility in opening the black box of AI
Session VII: Saturday, July 06, 09:00 to 10:30, U6-P1-35
The Future of Leadership and Work
Chair: Sine Nørholm Just
Rikke Kristensen
Leadership and digitalization: A theoretical approach to the leadership challenges which emerge from digitalization
Chiara Focacci, François Pichault and Giseline Rondeaux
Managers in the era of digital transformation: Navigating the dual realities of time
Carl Stefan Roth-Kirkegaard and Alf Rehn
On executives and AI unemployment
Session VIII: Saturday, July 06, 11:00 to 12:30, U6-P1-35
Theorizing Algorithmic Organizing
Chair: Maximilian Heimstädt
Prins Marcus Valiant Lantz and Sara Dahlman
Circulating hope: AI as an affective object in healthcare
Anna Stöber, Dennis Schoeneborn and Sine Nørholm Just
Hyper-automated and hyper-democratic? What decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) can teach us about organization theory
Kaveh Mohajeri, Aurélie Leclercq-Vandelannoitte and Mohammad Hossein Jarrahi
The future of power work in an algorithmic world