Sub-theme 26: Digital Media and Organization

Armin Beverungen, Leuphana University Lüneburg, Germany
Timon Beyes, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
Lisa Conrad, Bauhaus University Weimar, Germany
Session I: Thursday, July 02, 11:00 to 12:30, PIERCE-709
Chair: Lisa Conrad
Renata Maria Fragoso Sobrinho, Diego M. Coraiola and Samir Adamoglu de Oliveira
On media and organizations: definitions, approaches, and methods
Session II: Thursday, July 02, 14:00 to 15:30, PIERCE-709
Transparency and Visibility
Chair: Timon Beyes
Lea Stahel, Katja Rost and Bruno S. Frey
Digital social norm enforcement: Why online aggressors do not hide behind anonymity
Mikkel Flyverbom
Transparency: Mediation and the management of visibilities
Marlous Agterberg, Marleen Huysman, Nick Oostervink and Bart van den Hooff
Transparency of enterprise social media: Implications for identity work
Session III: Thursday, July 02, 16:00 to 17:30, PIERCE-709
News Organizations
Chair: Armin Beverungen
Gillian Brooks
Digital natives: The creation and legitimation of online media organizations
Ursula Plesner and Elena Raviola
Digital technologies and a changing profession: New practices and power relations in news work
Kseniya Navazhylava
Between the seeing and being seen: Transparency regimes, mechanisms and strategies in social media
Session IV: Friday, July 03, 09:00 to 10:30, PIERCE-709
Creating Space
Chair: Timon Beyes
Niki Panteli and Ben Marder
Being normal online: The case of social networking sites as new organising spaces
Soo Hee Lee and Marios Samdanis
Digital remediation of architectural design: Lessons from Frank Gehry, Zaha Hadid and Peter Eisenman
Session V: Friday, July 03, 14:00 to 15:30, PIERCE-709
Quantification, Self & Games
Chair: Armin Beverungen
Aleksandra Przegalinska
The quantified self and wearable technologies: How neuroscience translates into business
Renée Ridgway
Personalisation of the self: Organisational aesthetics as a machinic redistribution of the sensible
Karolina Mikolajewska
Reputation as currency: The (im)possibility of building a currency based on credentials from the sharing economy
Session VI: Saturday, July 04, 09:00 to 10:30, PIERCE-709
Big Data, Surveillance & Virality
Chair: Lisa Conrad
Kirstie Ball, Liz Daniel, Sally Dibb, Maureen Meadows and Keith Spiller
State financial surveillance and the private sector: Understanding organizational responses
Tobias M. Scholz
The impact of big data on the organization from an evolutionary perspective
Helena Chmielewska-Szlajfer and Agata Dembek
Viral visibility and social entrepreneurs: Creating importance in social media. An analysis of "viral" information on the Polish web
Session VII: Saturday, July 04, 11:00 to 12:30, PIERCE-709
Politics & Movements
Chair: Armin Beverungen
Amir Keshtiban
Leadership, leaderlessness and the social media: The case of the Occupy movement
Jeremy Pilcher
Taking liberties