Sub-theme 53: Organizing in Projects and Temporary Organizations

Jaakko Kujala, University of Oulu, Finland
Hans Gemünden, University of Technology Berlin, Germany
Thomas Lechler, Howe School, Stevens Institute of Technology, USA
Session I: Thursday, July 05, 09:00 to 10:30, A-301 – Aalto School of Economics
Managing in the Context of Projects and Temporary Organizations
Chair: Jaakko Kujala
Jaakko Kujala
Understanding complexity in project business
Anna Goussevskaia, Jacky Swan and Michael Bresnen
Project organization, learning mechanisms and dynamic capabilities
Richard Tee and Andrew Davies
Modular components, integrated practices: Managing complexity and interdependence in temporary organizations
Leon A.G. Oerlemans, René M. Bakker, Andreas Schwab and Joris Knoben
Alternative modes of entrepreneurial opportunity exploitation: The case of inter-organizational projects
Maria Kapsali and Jens Roehrich
Contractual governance of complex projects
Opening of the sub-theme: Karlos Artto
Session II: Thursday, July 05, 11:00 to 12:30
- Parallel Stream -
Parallel Stream A: Planning and Control in Temporary Organizations - Room: A-301 – Aalto School of Economics
Chair: Karlos Artto
Simon Dischner, Jost Sieweke and Stefan Süß
Rules in temporary organizations – An explorative study
Sylvain Lenfle
Toward a genealogy of project management: Sidewinder and the management of exploratory projects
Pertti Aaltonen, Thomas Lechler and Karlos Artto
The influence of ergodic economic theory on the foundations of theorizing on projects
Mark Hall, Christopher Lewis and Elmar Kutsch
Why rules are not enough: The role of high reliability in the UK’s Ministry of Defence procurement projects
Elisa Vuori and Pertti Aaltonen
Realized strategy formation in an adhocracy
Agnar Johansen, Anandasivakumar Ekambaram, Hans Petter Krane and Trygve Steiro
Exploring uncertainty and flexibility in projects: Towards a more dynamic framework?
Paolo Canonico
Coping with paradoxes: The interplay of control modes in R&D projects
Serghei Floricel, Sorin Piperca and Marc Banik
The structuring effect of planning on project organizations
Comment: Rolf Lundin
Parallel Stream B: Capability Building in Project Organizations - Room: A-501 – Aalto School of Economics
Chair: Inkeri Ruuska
Luis Pereira, Sandra Regina Rocha-Pinto and Ricardo Sanctos
Organization learning in complex temporary organizations applied to the Brazilian Marine Corps FCL(Field Combat Logistics)
Christopher Biesenthal, Kalpana Vignehsa, Shankar Sankaran, Tyrone Pitsis and Siggi Gudergan
Tools of change: Exploring the duality of dynamic capabilities in project-based organizations
Claus Beringer, Wilderich Heising and Hans Gemünden
Understanding key players in the project portfolio renewal process: How do project portfolio managers construe stakeholder behavior
Yijiang Wu, Andrew Davies and Lars Frederiksen
Renewal, reuse and reinforcement: Building project-based capabilities to enter, grow and shape the nascent market for integrated sustainable design solutions
Session III: Thursday, July 05, 14:00 to 15:30, A-301 – Aalto School of Economics
Collaboration in Projects
Chair: Thomas Lechler
Aukje Leufkens and Niels G. Noorderhaven
Accounts of interest and collaborative behavior in projects
Rik Ligthart, Leon A.G. Oerlemans, Niels G. Noorderhaven and Roel Rutten
Go with the flow or stick to one's guns: Collaboration flexibility and rigidity in interfirm projects
Floor van den Born
Fostering creativity in groups: Balancing repeat collaboration and external memberships
Jussi M. Heikkilä, Inkeri Ruuska and Karlos Artto
Procurement of supplier capability for customer's long-term performance
Session IV: Friday, July 06, 09:00 to 10:30, A-301 – Aalto School of Economics
Distributed Projects
Chair: Kirsi Aaltonen
Jonas Soderlund and René M. Bakker
Taking project management beyond the juncture: The case for good reviewing
Metin Onal Vural
Complexity, design and learning in distributed projects
Anne Live Vaagaasar and Donatelle de Paoli
How is space and place connected with project work?
Sunila Lobo
"We know what we should be doing but we aren't doing it!" Embedding learning across projects over time and space
Opening of the day: Jonas Söderlund
Session V: Friday, July 06, 11:00 to 12:30, A-301 – Aalto School of Economics
Learning and Capabilities
Chair: Fredrik Tell
Fredrik Tell, Jonas Söderlund and Michael Hobday
Capability formation in P-form corporations: An emerging perspective on project-based organizations
Sabrina Loufrani-Fedida and Stéphanie Missonier
Understanding competencies in project-based organizations: A multilevel and global perspective
Virpi Turkulainen and Inkeri Ruuska
Facilitating exploratory and exploitative learning in the context of a major technological change – The shifting role of Technology Office
Christian Garaus, Barbara Müller-Christensen, Wolfgang H. Güttel, Stefan Konlechner and Hubert Lackner
Balancing, fueling and linking exploratory and exploitative learning: How ambidexterity and absorptive capacity interplay through project designs
Keynote: Fredrik Tell
Session VI: Saturday, July 07, 09:00 to 10:30
- Parallel Stream -
Parallel Stream A: Project Networks and Stakeholder Management - Room: A-301 – Aalto School of Economics
Chair: Grant Savage
Kirsi Aaltonen, Tuomas Ahola and Karlos Artto
Path dependence, path creation and stakeholder network dynamics during the early project stage: The case of the Tapiola commercial center development project
Bertrand Pauget and Andreas Wald
Relational competence in complex temporary organizations: The case of a French hospital construction project network
Pernille Eskerod and Anne Live Vaagaasar
Stakeholder management strategies and practices during a project course
Thomas Biedenbach, Thommie Burström and Tomas Blomquist
Business model changes via projects and platforms developments: A boundary perspective
Keynote: Grant Savage
Parallel Stream B: Disruptions in Project Industries - Room: A-501 – Aalto School of Economics
Chair: Hans Georg Gemünden
Felix von Pechmann, Christophe Midler, Rémi Maniak, Florence Charue-Duboc and Romain Beaume
Managing systemic disruption projects in the automotive industry: Towards a comparative analysis of electric mobility initiatives
Rebecca Henn
Border patrol: Emergent jurisdiction in the fragmented field of building design and construction
Kalpana Vignehsa, Christopher Biesenthal, Anjana Anandakumar, Stewart Clegg, Siggi Gudergan, Tyrone Pitsis and Shankar Sankaran
Double moral hazard on projects: Existing beyond the confines of agency theory
Liisa Sallinen and Magnus Hellström
Structures from scratch – The link between industry architectures and nuclear power projects
Session VII: Saturday, July 07, 11:00 to 12:30, A-301 – Aalto School of Economics
Innovativeness and Knowledge Integration
Chair: Rolf Lundin
Jonas Söderlund
Organizing knowledge integration in R&D projects: The role of knowledge entrainment
Tuomas Ahola
Colourful relationships
Christian Urhahn and Patrick Spieth
Managing innovativeness in innovation project portfolios – A conceptual framework
Michael M. Hopkins, Paul Nightingale and Charles Baden-Fuller
Servant firms in drug discovery: A neglected project-based organisational form
Closing of the sub-theme: Rolf Lundin & Tuomas Ahola