Call for Expressions of Interest

New Editor-in-Chief for Organization Theory

Organization Theory is seeking expressions of interest for the role of Co-Editor-in-Chief to join the current Editor-in-Chief Sigrid Quack, the existing team of Associate Editors, and the Managing Editor Sophia Tzagaraki in the lead of the journal. The term of office is four years, starting in September 2026. The post carries an honorarium; necessary travel expenses will be covered. – For all information on the journal, please see:


The successful candidate will fulfill the following general criteria:

  • A strong scholarly record that is in accordance with the spirit and mission statement of Organization Theory, as well as with EGOS aims and values more broadly (i.e., in particular: open to a diversity of paradigms and all sub-disciplines that contribute to organization studies and organization theory; devoted both to those who are organized and those who do the organizing; open to looking at organizations as both the products of society and as institutions which also shape society; to processes of organizing; and to environments in which organizations operate);

  • Evidence of a strong connection to EGOS as a scholarly community;

  • Evidence of a connection to Organization Theory (or Organization Studies);

  • Evidence of broad interest in theoretical work, indicated by existing publications;

  • Evidence of significant experience as an editor or associate/senior editor for a journal or special issue of a journal, or as an editorial board member reviewing papers;

  • Evidence of support from the home institution, so that there is sufficient time to carry out the task as Co-Editor-in-Chief.

In addition, the successful candidate:

  • Will demonstrate administrative skills and the capacity to handle a demanding workload and to meet hard deadlines;

  • Will be able to work constructively with authors, reviewers, and the entire editorial team, as well as with the EGOS leadership (Editors-in-Chief are ex-officio observers of the EGOS Executive Board);

  • Must be prepared to contribute to the success of the journal through attendance at editorial meetings and represent the journal at events and to institutions.

EGOS values diversity and encourages applications from minorities. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, age or disability. Diversity is at the core of EGOS both in terms of sub-disciplines represented and in the plurality of its members.
One or several short-listed candidates will be asked to present their perspectives and ideas to the EGOS Executive Board during the January 2025 EGOS Board Meeting (in Athens or online). The short-list will be prepared by a Search Committee composed of Giuseppe Delmestri (EGOS Chair), Christine Moser (EGOS Vice-Chair), Farah Kodeih (EGOS Board member), Daniel Geiger (EGOS Board member), Markus Höllerer and Sigrid Quack (actual Editors-in-Chief of OT), and Joep Cornelissen (past Editor-in-Chief of OT). The search and selection process is strictly confidential, and everyone involved fully commits to this (i.e., members both of the Search Committee and the EGOS Executive Board).
For an informal discussion on the nature of the editorial tasks and the support that EGOS gives to Editors-in-Chief in recognition of the time they devote to the journal, please get in touch directly with the EGOS Chair:
Please email your expressions of interest, including a cover letter to – stating why you would like to apply, as well as the skills and qualities you can bring to the post – along with a short CV that focuses on your publishing, reviewing, and editorial experience.
Closing date for expressions of interest is November 24, 2024.