Several sub-communities adopting a practice-theoretical approach already exist within EGOS. A notable example is the strategy
as practice community, a stable sub-community that focuses on what people actually do when developing, executing and implementing
strategy (Jarzabkowski et al., 2022). Other sub-communities have also made significant practice-theoretical contributions
to various conversations within organization studies. These include scholars of leadership as practice (Realin, 2016), entrepreneurship
as practice (Keating et al., 2014), inter-organizational relations (Deken et al., 2018), project organizing (Sydow, 2022),
values practices (Gehman et al., 2013), routines (Feldman & Pentland, 2003) and beyond.
While the specialized sub-communities share a basic interest in organizing as practice, they have remained rather self-contained
within EGOS, and their discussions have focused mainly on the particularities of the phenomena they study. Cross-fertilization
has therefore been limited. Also, due to the fragmentation of discussions on organizing as practice in sub-communities, there
have been fewer opportunities to contribute to theories of practice as such.
SWG 09 creates a lasting umbrella platform for researchers from all the above sub-communities and beyond interested in practice-based
theorizing to meet, foster conversations across sub-communities, and collectively advance practice-based scholarship in organization
studies. The plan is to unite existing and emerging practice-oriented sub-communities within