Pre-Colloquium Post-Doctoral & Early Career Scholars Workshop 2024

Paths to a Meaningful Career

The pre-Colloquium Post-Doctoral & Early Career Scholars Workshop 2023 will take place on Tuesday, July 2, 2024, from 09:00 to 23:00 CEST [Central European Summer Time].
Please note that only accepted applicants are entitled to participate in this workshop!


University of Milano-Bicocca
Building U6-Agorà
Piazza dell’Ateneo Nuovo, 1 | 20126 Milano
Building Plan

To view the original Call for Applications (incl. Convenors), please click on the link at the end of this page.


09:00 – 09:30

SESSION 1 – Opening
Building U6-Agorà, Room P1-28 (first floor)

Moderators: Mélodie Cartel | Online Coordinator: Mattia Martini

09:30 – 10:30

SESSION 2 – Panel: Varieties of Impact and Relevance: Behind the Scenes of Different Career Paths
Building U6, Room P1-28 (first floor)

Moderator: Dirk Deichmann
– Online participants streaming! –

10 minutes each:

  • "Impact through teaching" (Thorsten Grohsjean, Bocconi University, Italy)

  • "Societal Impact" (Christine Moser, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands)

  • "Scholarly Impact" (Tina Dacin, Queen's University, Canada)
  • "Impact through (Social) Media" (Paolo Aversa, King's College London, UK)
  • "Impact through collaborating with Companies"
    (Deborah Anderson,University of Alberta/University of Alabama, US)

10:30 – 11:00

Coffee break - Building U6 - Ground floor

11:00 – 12:30

SESSION 2 – Round Table Discussions
Building U6, Room P1-28, P1-22, P1-Terrace (all first floor)

"Balancing Conflicting Demands"
[3 rounds, 20 minutes each]

  • Tension 1: "Career vs. other Interests"
    Facilitator: Thorsten Grohsjean, Bocconi University, Italy

  • Tension 2: "Home Institutions vs. International Peer Community"
    Facilitator: Christine Moser, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands

  • Tension 3: "Focus vs. Interdisciplinarity"
    Facilitator: Tina Dacin, Queen’s University, Canada

  • Tension 4: "Studying mainstream Topics vs. Passion Topics"
    Facilitator: Paolo Aversa, King's College London, UK

  • Tension 5: "Looking into all Tensions with online Participants"
    Facilitator: Deborah Anderson,University of Alberta/University of Alabama, US

Plenary summary from each (online) round table

12:30 – 13:30

Lunch break - Building U6 - Ground floor

13:30 – 15:00

SESSION 3 – Developing Identity and Voice: From Current to Aspired CV
Building U6, Room P1-28, P1-22. P1-Terrace (all first floor)

Moderator: Mélodie Cartel | Online Coordinator: Mattia Martini

Interactive format

15:00 – 15:45

Coffee break - Building U6 - Ground floor

15:45 – 17:15

Keynote by Leonhard Dobusch, University of Innsbruck, Austria 
Building U6, Room P0-09

"Openness as a Research Practice"
{together with the PhD Workshop; online participants streaming}

20:00 – 23:00

Pre-Colloquium Dinner
ONLY for participants [= convenors, accepted applicants, faculty + invited guests] in the
(1) PhD Workshop and (2) Post-Doctoral & Early Career Scholars Workshop

Location: Fuorimano | Via Roberto Cozzi, 3 | 20125 Milano MI

Pre-Colloquium Post-Doctoral & Early Career Scholars Workshop 2024

Mélodie Cartel
UNSW, Sydney, Australia
Dirk Deichmann
Erasmus University, The Netherlands
Mattia Martini
University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy
Francesco G. Paoletti
University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy

Call for Applications

The progress of research in organizational studies relies upon the commitment and the creativity of advanced PhD students, post-doctoral fellows, and junior scholars who explore new questions, new methods, and new phenomena. EGOS puts special emphasis on supporting the academic development of younger scholars and their positioning and integration in the academic community/ies.
The purpose of the EGOS pre-Colloquium Post-Doctoral & Early Career Scholars Workshop is to facilitate the academic socialization of junior scholars. We aim to provide an arena for exploring challenges early-career scholars face relating to the different dimensions of academic work, including research (and funding), teaching, engagement, administrative duties, and community service.
This workshop is an active exchange based on a dialogue among junior and senior academics that seeks to strengthen junior scholars’ involvement with the EGOS com­munity and to help them find their ways in academia. It will take place on Tuesday, July 2, 2024, before the main EGOS Colloquium.

Content and objectives

To our understanding, the main challenge in an academic career is balancing personal passions and preferences on the one hand and the needs of and pressures from various parties on the other while sustaining a meaningful career over time. How do we manage these conflicting demands, and how do we achieve impact and relevance in our careers? These questions nag any academic, let alone early career scholars, so we aim to create a space for their discussion.
In 2024, the pre-Colloquium Post-Doctoral & Early Career Scholars Workshop will focus on presentations, discussions, and small-group workshops dedicated to:

  • Developing a better understanding of the various dimensions of academic work, their rationale, and their importance in different stages of your academic career.

  • Reflecting upon your identity and voice as a researcher, an educator, and a citizen of various academic communities (e.g., within your institution, EGOS, AoM, etc.), with an opportunity for hands-on exchange about diverse career paths and ways to achieve relevance and impact.

  • Thinking of your career and the interplay of serendipity and strategic action in navigating it. To facilitate your reflection, we will hear about the experiences of senior scholars who will reflect on their career paths, highlighting failures, dead ends, and missed opportunities – and what they have learned from them – as much as about what brought them motivation and joy.


Mode of participation

The EGOS Colloquium 2024 is planned as an onsite event, with a limited number of hybrid sub-themes (see the general Call for Papers: Accordingly, for a limited number of participants, it will be possible to attend the pre-Colloquium Post-Doctoral & Early Career Scholars Workshop online. Plenary talks and panels will be streamed, and for the interactive discussions, we will designate online participants to an online roundtable.

For the initial submission of your application, you will be asked to provide information about your preferred mode of participation, should your application be accepted.

Application guidelines

To be considered for participation in the pre-Colloquium Post-Doctoral & Early Career Scholars Workshop 2024, applicants should have completed their doctoral dissertation within the last five academic years (excluding maternity leave or similar).
Please apply for admission to the workshop by Tuesday, January 9, 2024, at the latest, and upload (via the EGOS website) a single PDF file that contains the following information:

  • A letter of application (1 page), including name, affiliation, & e-mail address, as well as a short motivation for why you want to participate in the workshop and your preferred mode of participation

  • An abstract (1 page) outlining your primary area of work or a current paper project

  • Your curriculum vitae

  • An aspirational curriculum vitae explaining where you would like to see yourself in 10–15 years in terms of your academic achievements and focus. It can be written as a free text or as a list-like CV, as long as you also explain your choices and reflect upon the major challenges you will face in your efforts to move from your current CV to your desired one (2 pages at max.)


Please note!

  • Participants in the workshop will be selected based on their potential benefit from, and contribution to, the workshop.

  • Applicants will be notified of acceptance by early March 2024. Given the interactive nature of the workshop, the number of participants will be limited. Please keep in mind that registration for the workshop must be submitted separately from the main EGOS Colloquium registration.

  • Upon acceptance to the workshop, participants will be given the opportunity to revise and finalize their extended abstract and aspirational CV up until June 15, 2024 (fixed deadline) and upload it via the EGOS website.

  • Between June 15 and the workshop (July 2), each participant will be asked to review at least one extended abstract and the CVs of another participant.

  • We expect your full commitment once your application has been accepted and you have agreed to participate: a late cancellation effectively blocks an opportunity for one of your colleagues.

Participants are strongly encouraged ...

Mélodie Cartel is a Lecturer at the UNSW Business School, Australia. From an academic perspective, she has strong interests in both market sociology and organizational institutionalism – two research traditions which, despite their many intellectual affinities, tend to resist scholarly attempts to have them speak together. Mélodie nonetheless brings them together to study environmental and social problems, which comes with both challenges and opportunities when building a career path. Mélodie finds it important to support junior scholars as they find their own unique intellectual paths and navigate their career at the same time. Her research focuses on sustainable innovation and change at the level of the industry, ranging from the low carbon transition in the energy industry worldwide to the modern transformation of the construction industry to provide access to affordable housing to all.
Dirk Deichmann is an Associate Professor at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, The Netherlands. In his research he focuses on the determinants and consequences of creative and innovative behaviour, with particular emphasis on the question of how sustained and successful idea generation, development, and implementation can be achieved. Dirk’s work has been published in several top academic journals such as the ‘Academy of Management Journal’, ‘Journal of Applied Psychology’, ‘Strategic Management Journal’, ‘Organization Science’, and ‘Research Policy’ and has also been featured in popular media outlets such as ‘Harvard Business Review’. Dirk teaches creativity, design thinking, and innovation management for Bachelor, Master, PhD, MBA, and executive students.
Mattia Martini is an Associate Professor of Business Administration at the Department of Business and Law, University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy. He is Director of the Master degree in Sport Management and coordinator of the Master degree in Human Resource Management at the University of Milano-Bicocca. Mattia’s research interests concern employability development, collaborative innovation, business ethics, sustainability, and sustainable innovation. He has published several papers in both international and national journals, including ‘The International Journal of Human Resource Management’, ‘Employee Relations’, ‘Journal of Business Ethics’, ‘Public Administration’, ‘American Review of Public Administration’, and ‘Public Management Review’. His recent research concerns sustainable HRM and organizational performance, employability and turnover intentions, e-HRM, collaborative innovation, and business ethics education.
Francesco G. Paoletti is an Associate Professor of Organization Theory and Human Resource Management at the University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy. He has published articles in the ‘Journal of Business and Psychology’, ‘British Journal of Industrial Relations’, and ‘Journal of Intellectual Capital’, as well as some chapters in edited books. Francesco’s current research focuses on meta-organizations, while in the past he has worked on organizational justice, organizational commitment, strategic human resource management, and transaction cost economics.