Sub-theme 11: [SWG] Digital Capitalism: Grappling with Silicon Valley

Armin Beverungen, Leuphana University Lüneburg, Germany
Paula Bialski, University of St. Gallen, Switzerland
Timon Beyes, Leuphana University Lüneburg, Germany
Session I: Thursday, July 07, 11:00 to 12:30, D5.0.002
Into the Valley
Chair: Armin Beverungen
Melissa Gregg
Regional disadvantage: The ongoing exodus from Silicon Valley
Discussant(s): Claus Pias or Laura Hille
Laura Hille, Annika Lübben and Claus P. Pias
Rise and fall of the Silicon Valley
Discussant(s): Melissa Gregg
Session II: Thursday, July 07, 14:00 to 15:30
- Parallel Stream -
Parallel Stream A: Cities and Movements - Room: D5.0.002
Chair: Sara Maric
Karolina Mikołajewska-Zając
A global digital corporation and its home town: Shedding light on Airbnb through the conflict over short-term rentals in San Francisco
Discussant(s): Yaëlle Amsallem
Armin Beverungen
Running a city like Amazon
Discussant(s): Karolina Mikołajewska-Zając
Yaëlle Amsallem
From cult to business: Exploring Silicon Valley’s social movement organizations. The case of the Singularity University
Discussant(s): Armin Beverungen
Parallel Stream B: Imaginaries, Myths, Phantasms - Room: AD.0.089 Sitzungssaal 3
Chair: Timon Beyes
Anna Alexandersson, Andreas Jansson and Karin Jonnergård
Digital entrepreneurship and the social imaginary
Discussant(s): Elena Raviola
Mike Zundel and Robin Holt
Myth, reason and computing: The impossibility of strategy in the BBC
Discussant(s): Anna Alexandersson or Karin Jonnergård
Elena Raviola
Following the phantasmal presence of Silicon Valley, or the making of a fair platform for freelance journalists
Discussant(s): Mike Zundel or Robin Holt
Session III: Friday, July 08, 09:00 to 10:30
- Parallel Stream -
Parallel Stream A: Diversity and Alterity - Room: D5.0.002
Chair: Jana Costas
Sine Nørholm Just, Kai Inga Storm and Sandra-Louise Bukuru
Onlife intersectionalities: Female gaming experiences as flows of playbour
Discussant(s): Assia Wirth
Hugo Gaillard and Sophia Galière
The interstices of algorithmic surveillance: Examining affordances of religious agency in food-delivery platform work
Discussant(s): Sine Nørholm Just or Kai Storm
Assia Wirth
Practicing worldmaking or worldmaking practices? A study of facial dataset construction.
Discussant(s): Hugo Gaillard or Sophia Galière
Parallel Stream B: Entrepreneurship and Business Models - Room: AD.0.089 Sitzungssaal 3
Chair: Karolina Mikołajewska-Zając
Raquel Prá and Claudia Simone Antonello
"We're not anti-LinkedIn, we're anti-toxic positivity": User-worker existences on the LinkedIn social network
Discussant(s): Felix Diefenhardt
Felix Diefenhardt
Entrepreneurs of the profile: Metrical reputation and profile labor on freelance labor platforms
Discussant(s): Sara Maric or Elke Schüßler
Sara Maric and Elke Schüßler
Digital capitalism meets “Leberkaspepi”: Temporal orientations in business models as a source of platform power in mature industries
Discussant(s): Raquel Prá or Claudia Antonello
Session IV: Friday, July 08, 11:00 to 12:30
- Parallel Stream -
Parallel Stream A: Crypto and Web 3 - Room: D5.0.002
Chair: Cristina Alaimo
Bernhard Resch
Foamscapes: A governance framework for digital production architectures
Discussant(s): Donncha Kavanagh or Paul Dylan-Ennis
Donncha Kavanagh and Paul Dylan-Ennis
Web3: Hybrid war against the Web 2.0 empire
Discussant(s): Julie Valk or Rowen Xu
Alex Preda, Julie Valk and Ruowen Xu
The Metaverse Prophecies: Technofinancial imaginaries and the rise of the cryptoeconomy
Discussant(s): Bernhard Resch
Parallel Stream B: Platform Labour - Room: AD.0.089 Sitzungssaal 3
Chair: Mike Zundel
Lilo Meier
Re-imagining the algorithm in alternative platform organizations
Discussant(s): Timothy Charlton-Czaplicki or Attila Márton
Sara Lara Marquez Gallardo and Alessandro Niccolò Tirapani
Working in the shadows: Social media and highly stigmatised professionals
Discussant(s): Lilo Meier
Timothy Charlton-Czaplicki and Attila Márton
The craft of crowdwork: A veneer for digital capitalism
Discussant(s): Sara Lara Marquez Gallardo or Alessandro Niccolò Tirapani
Session V: Friday, July 08, 14:00 to 15:30
- Parallel Stream -
Parallel Stream A: Lobbying and Statecraft - Room: D5.0.002
Chair: Robin Holt
Jana Costas and Patrick Vonderau
Grey zone research – Lobbying and the configuration of digital capitalism
Discussant(s): Wei Luo
Wei Luo and Yan Long
Digital statecraft and crisis response: Data work of nonprofit organizations during COVID-19
Discussant(s): Edoardo Mollona or Martino Simonetti
Edoardo Mollona and Martino Simonetti
GAFAM’s hegemonic practices at work. Lobbying, discursive strategizing and the political battle for the Digital Services Act
Discussant(s): Jana Costas or Patrick Vonderau
Parallel Stream B: Other Agencies - Room: AD.0.089 Sitzungssaal 3
Chair: Sine Nørholm Just
Yuliya Shymko, Patricia Gabaldon and Theodore A. Khoury
The gig economy versus the helpless entrepreneur: When agency Is defeated by necessity entrepreneurship
Discussant(s): Obaid Amjad or David Murillo
Obaid Amjad and David Murillo
Capturing the strategic logics of data activists’ resistance to capitalism: An empirical study utilizing Erik Olin Wright’s work
Discussant(s): Frank den Hond or Mikko Vesa
Frank den Hond and Mikko Vesa
If not then, what else? Freedom in the Age of the Avatar
Discussant(s): Yuliya Shymko or Theodore Khoury
Session VI: Saturday, July 09, 09:00 to 10:30, D5.0.002
Data in Context
Chair: Timon Beyes
Nanna Bonde Thylstrup, Mikkel Flyverbom and Kristian Bondo Hansen
Silicon Valley unleashed: Sociotechnical imaginaries, Trojan horses of tech and the reorientation of strategies for digital transformations
Discussant(s): Armin Beverungen
Cristina Alaimo and Mikkel Flyverbom
Capitalism by proxies: Data and the reconfiguration of social domains
Discussant(s): Timon Beyes
Start at 09:30
Session VII: Saturday, July 09, 11:00 to 12:30, D5.0.002
Exchange and Time & Wrap-up
Chair: Frank den Hond
Christopher Baird, Thomas Calvard and Michelle O’Toole
Time and techno-capitalism: Escalatory logics and temporal pathologies in the British artificial intelligence field
Discussant(s): Robert Bauer
Robert Bauer
Rethinking exchange: The constitutive role of unilateral exchange in platform capitalism
Discussant(s): Christopher Baird, Thomas Calvard or Michelle O’Toole