Sub-theme 39: Learning from Imperfect Projects

Alfons van Marrewijk, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Iben Sandal Stjerne, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
Jörg Sydow, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany
Session I: Thursday, July 07, 11:00 to 12:30, TC.5.14
Chair: Alfons van Marrewijk
Ilham Bensouna and Charles-Clemens Rüling
Impediments to identity formation in temporary organizations: Lessons from ConstructOne
Discussant(s): Andrew Anzel
Andrew Anzel, Haley A. Beer and Graeme Currie
Identity regulation in temporary organizations
Discussant(s): Saeedeh Shaflee Kristensen
Saeedeh Shafiee Kristensen and Sara Shafiee
Imperfect reintegration in temporary organizing: Implications for individuals and organizations
Discussant(s): Ilham Bensouna
Session II: Thursday, July 07, 14:00 to 15:30, TC.5.14
Change dynamics
Chair: Iben Sandal Stjerne
Dave M. Bouckenooghe and Gavin Schwarz
A taxonomy of organizational change failure responses
Discussant(s): Manon Eikelenboom
Manon Eikelenboom and Alfons van Marrewijk
Reflective interventions in inter-organizational collaboration to support the transition to circular construction
Discussant(s): Gavin Schwarz
+ Q&A on PMJ special issue on Imperfect Projects
Session III: Friday, July 08, 09:00 to 10:30, TC.5.14
Chair: Jörg Sydow
Jose Rodrigo Juarez Cornelio, Tristano Sainati and Giorgio Locatelli
Project termination of infrastructure megaprojects: What can we learn from it?
Discussant(s): Angelos Kostis
Angelos Kostis, Maria Bengtsson and Leonardo Corbo
Close to the edge but still alive: The role of emotions and relational coping in the light of an early project death
Discussant(s): Dicle Kortantamer
Dicle Kortantamer
Deadlines: A culprit of imperfection in strategizing?
Discussant(s): Jose Rodrigo Juarez Cornelio
Session IV: Friday, July 08, 11:00 to 12:30, TC.5.14
Chair: Iben Sandal Stjerne
Sarah Kamphuis, Alfons van Marrewijk and Marleen Hermans
One broker is not the other: Public construction clients as knowledge brokers?
Discussant(s): Sebastian Raetze
Anne Steputat-Raetze and Sebastian Raetze
Team resilience in large-scale construction projects: A qualitative case study
Discussant(s): Anika Stephan-Korus
Anika Stephan
Learning from unofficial projects: A case study about differentiation between official projects and underground projects
Discussant(s): Sarah Kamphuis
Session V: Friday, July 08, 14:00 to 15:30, TC.5.14
Chair: Alfons van Marrewijk
Joachim Thiel and Gernot Grabher
Coping with the unknowable: Ignorance as obstacle and asset in project ecologies
Discussant(s): Mark van Vuuren
Mark van Vuuren
Ignored imperfections: Autoethnographic reflections on failures in successful strategy projects
Discussant(s): Yoritoshi Hara
Yoritoshi Hara and Takahiro Endo
Shared ownership and coordination problems in temporary organizations: Filmmaking joint ventures in Japan
Discussant(s): Joachim Tiel
Session VI: Saturday, July 09, 09:00 to 10:30, TC.5.14
Chair: Jörg Sydow
Qinzhen Qian
How did the imperfection of an innovation project come about? The tension between legitimacy and flexibility
Discussant(s): Sunny Mosangzi Xu
Sunny Mosangzi Xu and Marcel Bogers
An imperfect perfect project process in research and innovation
Discussant(s): Amalya L. Oliver
Rotem Rittblat and Amalya L. Oliver
Implementing innovation projects in healthcare organizations
Discussant(s): Qinzhen Qian
+ Wrap-up of EGOS Colloquium 2022 + Who wants to be engaged in future EGOS colloquia on projects?
Session VII: Saturday, July 09, 11:00 to 12:30, TC.5.14
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