Sub-theme 59: Studying Organizational Corruption and Wrongdoing: Opportunities and Unrealized Potential

Stefan Schembera, Radboud University, The Netherlands
Kathleen Rehbein, Marquette University, USA
Armando Castro, University College London, United Kingdom
Session I: Thursday, July 07, 11:00 to 12:30, D5.1.003
Institutional Environment of Corruption
Chair: Stefan Schembera
Michael Assländer and Alicia Hennig
The ethical roots of corruption – The example of China
Discussant(s): Jaekyung Ha
Session II: Thursday, July 07, 14:00 to 15:30, D5.1.003
Forms of Wrongdoing
Chair: Armando Castro
Patricia Helena Hein and Shahzad (Shaz) Ansari
Turning a blind eye: Petty institutionalized organizational corruption in an era of collective crises
Discussant(s): Elena Bruni, Dennis Schoeneborn and Fabian Homberg
Christian D. Wåhlin-Jacobsen and Elisabeth Naima Mikkelsen
Studying “normal” wrongdoing in interaction: Police call centre work in a micro-discursive perspective
Discussant(s): Guilherme Siqueira de Carvalho
Guilherme Siqueira de Carvalho
A behavioral approach to strategic corruption
Discussant(s): Christian D. Wåhlin-Jacobsen and Elisabeth Naima Mikkelsen
Session III: Friday, July 08, 09:00 to 10:30, D5.1.003
Dynamics of Wrongdoing
Chair: Kathleen Rehbein
Adam J. Nix and Lisa Balzarin
Unpacking the micro-dynamics of corporate corruption
Discussant(s): Michael Assländer and Alicia Hennig
Laurenz Weiße, Drahomir Klimsa, Erik Lehmann and Robert Ullmann
It’s Not Just All About the Money: The Effects of Scandals on Organizational Affiliation and Competition
Discussant(s): Georg Wernicke, Nikolas Rathert and Brayden King
Georg Wernicke, Nikolas Rathert and Brayden King
The role of organizational implementation capacities and constraints in firms’ sequential responses to stakeholder issues
Discussant(s): Laurenz Weiße, Drahomir Klimsa, Erik Lehmann and Robert Ullmann
Session IV: Friday, July 08, 11:00 to 12:30, D5.1.003
(Non-)Compliance & Accountability
Chair: Stefan Schembera
Tony J. Choi and Kam Phung
Accountability journalism and corporate illegality: An application of institutional anomie theory
Discussant(s): Rijadh Winardi, Alvise Favotto and John McKernan
Laura Hauck, Sebastian Starystach and Markus Pohlmann
Much ado about “best practices”? The relevance and perceived effectiveness of state-of-the-art corporate compliance measures in multinational companies in Germany, Switzerland, and Austria
Discussant(s): Tony Jaehyun Choi and Kam Phung
Timo Fiorito
The deinstitutionalization of professional misconduct: Corporate service providers in the Netherlands, 2001–2020
Discussant(s): Hendrike Werwigk, Andreas König and Marie Deutsch
Session V: Friday, July 08, 14:00 to 15:30, D5.1.003
New Technologies and Methodological Approaches
Chair: Armando Castro
Elena Bruni, Dennis Schoeneborn and Fabian Homberg
What happens in Vegas, doesn’t stay in Vegas: How ethically problematic practices get normalized via digital media ‘out in the open’
Discussant(s): Patricia Hein and Shahzad (Shaz) Ansari
Thomas Straub and Rose Hiquet
Continuity or change: A configurational examination of corporate responses to wrongdoing
Discussant(s): Katharina Scheer, Tanja Rabl and Nils Köbis
Katharina Scheer, Tanja Rabl and Nils Köbis
AI-based software versus human as anti-corruption agent and employees’ likelihood of whistleblowing
Discussant(s): Thomas Straub and Rose Hiquet
Session VI: Saturday, July 09, 09:00 to 10:30, D5.1.003
Cover-up of Wrongdoing
Chair: Kathleen Rehbein
Hendrike Werwigk, Andreas König and Marie Deutsch
Organizational cover-up of extreme crime: The largest serial murder in German post-war history
Discussant(s): Timo Fiorito
Rachele Cavara and Francesco Zirpoli
Organizational wrongdoing and the network organization: the Volkswagen emissions scandal revisited in an inter-organizational perspective
Discussant(s): Adam Nix and Lisa Balzarin
Jaekyung Ha
The Lady Doth Protest Too Much: When Organizations Face a Dilemma in Information Disclosure
Discussant(s): Rachele Cavara and Francesco Zirpoli
Session VII: Saturday, July 09, 11:00 to 12:30, D5.1.003
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