Sub-theme 46: Opportunities for Path Creation: Practices and Processes of Interorganizational Collaboration

Kristina Lauche, Radboud University, The Netherlands
Hans Berends, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Paul R. Carlile, Boston University, USA
Session I: Thursday, July 07, 11:00 to 12:30, D4.0.022
Opening Plenary: Leading and Orchestrating Collaboration
Chair: Kristina Lauche
Matthias Mitterlechner and Johannes Rüegg-Stürm
Trapped by success: Exploring the limitations network orchestration
Discussant(s): Anna Moretti
Anna Moretti and Maria Martini Barzolai
It’s not about the maestro: A case of failure in an orchestrated tourism network
Discussant(s): Herman Stål
Herman Stål, Maria Bengtsson and Siarhei Manzhynski
Relational leadership in the process of inter-organizational collaboration – Dealing with mobility dilemmas
Discussant(s): Matthias Mitterlechner
Session II: Thursday, July 07, 14:00 to 15:30, D4.0.022
Power and Control across Organizations
Chair: Paul R. Carlile
Jeanne Mengis, Alessandra Zamparini and Federica De Molli
Controlling space beyond organizational confines: The force and fugacity of ‘tractive control’
Discussant(s): Line Fossum Skogstad
Marc-Emilien Poncet, Pierre-Yves Gomez and Pierre-Yves Gomez
“For everything to change, somebody must remain the same”: The key role of institutional mediator in interorganizational collaborations
Discussant(s): Jeanne Mengis
Michel Majdalani and Michelle Mielly
Path creation from twinning to winning: Attaining greater autonomy and self-empowerment through conflict in dependent-asymmetrical IOCs
Line Fossum Skogstad
What motivates employment- and healthcare services to engage in inter-organizational collaboration?
Discussant(s): Marc-Emilien Poncet
Session III: Friday, July 08, 09:00 to 10:30
- Parallel Stream -
Parallel Stream A: Sustaining Interorganizational Collaborations - Room: D4.0.022
Chair: Paul R. Carlile
Renate Kratochvil
The Idea about one digital platform: How digitally inexperienced clients erode professionals’ expertise
Discussant(s): Martina Ukowitz
Karelia S. Dagnaud, Linda Lisa Maria Turunen, Minna Halme, Minna Halme and Jarkko Levänen
Objects as means of sustainability knowledge co-creation across the research-practice boundary
Discussant(s): Renate Kratochvil
Martina Ukowitz
Between engagement and reluctance: Path creation as a balancing act in interorganizational collaboration
Discussant(s): Karelia Dagnaud
Parallel Stream B: Bridging Research and Practice - Room: D4.0.047
Chair: Hans Berends
Luc van de Sande, Kristina Lauche, Vera Blazevic and Gerrit Willem Ziggers
Vicious paradoxical cycles in organizing inter-organizational collaborations: A multiple case study on last-mile initiatives
Discussant(s): Sebastian Reh
Rishi Bhatnagar, Duygu Keskin, Arjan Kirkels and Georges Romme
Mechanisms driving inter-organizational collaboration for sustainable business model innovation
Discussant(s): Luc van de Sande
Sebastian Reh and Axel Haunschild
Corporate coworking: Curating informality as path creation for interorganizational collaboration
Discussant(s): Rishi Bhatnagar
Session IV: Friday, July 08, 11:00 to 12:30, D4.0.022
Technology as Resource for Interorganizational Collaboration
Chair: Hans Berends
Katharina Cepa
Digital controls in collaborative performance management
Discussant(s): Markus Thomanek
Francesca Ciulli and Leona A. Henry
Leveraging blockchain in cross-sector partnerships for grand challenges: An affordance perspective
Discussant(s): Katharina Cepa
Markus Thomanek
Strategies of establishing a closed approach with sub-suppliers for sustainable conduct: Evidence from the fashion industry
Discussant(s): Francesca Ciulli
Session V: Friday, July 08, 14:00 to 15:30, D4.0.022
Responding to Crises and Conflicts
Chair: Kristina Lauche
Jaco Fourie
How to govern time In promoting collaboration and collective action: The case of the Australian ‘Stay or Go’ bushfire management policy
Discussant(s): Elisabeth Krull
Elisabeth Krull, Mustafa Kavas, Paula Jarzabkowski and Konstantinos Chalkias
Practices of interorganizational collaborating: The UK’s insurance industry’s response to systemic risk
Discussant(s): Bennet Schwoon
Bennet Schwoon
Initiating interorganizational collaboration in light of polarization: Tackling online hate speech in Switzerland
Discussant(s): Jaco Fourie
Session VI: Saturday, July 09, 09:00 to 10:30
- Parallel Stream -
Parallel Stream A: Collaborating in Hybrid, Pluralistic Settings - Room: D4.0.022
Chair: Kristina Lauche
Siavash Alimadadi, Andrew Davies and Fredrik Tell
Composite issue settlement in pluralistic contexts: Creating a projective path in the restoration and renewal of the Palace of Westminster
Anna Yström, Susanne Ollila and Kamilla Kohn Rådberg
Explicating the practices of in-between managers: A bricolage of identity work, boundary work and institutional work
Discussant(s): Nicole Hinrichs
Nicole Hinrichs, Christopher Tucci and Elia Giovacchini
Straddling the fence: Orchestrating meta-organizational hybridity
Discussant(s): Anna Yström
Parallel Stream B: Collaboration for Entrepreneurship - Room: D4.0.047
Chair: Hans Berends
Alberto Bertello and Francesca Ricciardi
Process modelling for grand challenges
Ehsan Samimi
Innovating across organizational boundaries: How the collaborative relationships of startups drive ideation processes
Jens Kaus, Man Yang, Leonhard Gebhardt and Niels Faber
The emergence and development of sustainable entrepreneurial ecosystems – A comparison of three European regions
Discussant(s): Ehsan Samimi
Ying-Che Hsieh, Wan-Jung Tsai, Li-Hsiang Yi, Jingjing Weng and Harn-Ching Chiu
How do environment-oriented social enterprises develop interorganizational collaboration?
Discussant(s): Jens Kaus
Session VII: Saturday, July 09, 11:00 to 12:30, D4.0.022
Closing Plenary: Ecosystem Dynamics
Chair: Paul R. Carlile
Georg Reischauer, Alexander Engelmann, Annabelle Gawer and Werner H. Hoffmann
How incumbents coopete in the face of platform envelopments by tech giants
Discussant(s): Anne-Lorene Vernay
Britt Smulders, Arjan Markus, Georges Romme and Rianne Valkenburg
Playing with temporal, social, and contextual boundaries: Designing future-oriented narratives for strategic renewal
Discussant(s): Andrew Foley
Andrew J. Foley
Firms of endearment: Organizational imprinting in business ecosystems
Discussant(s): Alexander Engelmann
Nuria Moratal-Ferrando, Anne-Lorène Vernay and Carine Sebi
Emergence of asset intensive ecosystem. The case of hydrogen mobility
Discussant(s): Britt Smulders