The following principles guide the EGOS Boards decisions on the formation and review of Standing Working Groups (SWGs):
The objective of forming a SWG is to secure continuity (for the period of its operation) in the EGOS agenda of important academic
topic(s) that have already been successfully explored for several years within EGOS Colloquia (in the form of successful sub-themes)
and hence have generated the emergence of a discussion community. In creating an SWG, the idea is to sustain, strengthen and
consolidate the development and productivity of these communities working on domains of high interest for EGOS as a whole.
The research domain and aim of the SWG should be defined as clearly as possible. The approval of a SWG does not entail a 'monopoly'
or exclusivity over an academic domain.
SWGs address themes in the study of organizations and society and should meet the following criteria: (a) stand to make a
substantial contribution to the advancement of organization studies; (b) address research agendas that are inadequately covered
by other SWGs and/or require an organizational umbrella; (c) advance a European/international perspective; (d) cover theoretical
and methodological approaches in an interdisciplinary manner.
An SWG is required to have at least two coordinators originating from different academic systems/countries. At least one of
the convenors should be a senior scholar and one a junior scholar. In line with general EGOS principles, parity and diversity
should also be taken into account when constituting a team of convenors for a SWG.
A SWG is formed for a four-year period. This period starts with the first EGOS Colloquium at which a sub-theme of the SWG
is held. The SWG may be extended for one or two more years if the review process after the third year is positive regarding
the SWG's contribution and progress, and concludes that more time is required to accomplish the research program. Hence, the
maximum life-span of an SWG is six years. This maximum life-span also enables the EGOS community to benefit from the renewal
of the SWGs.
SWGs are encouraged to develop activities in addition to organizing subsequent sub-themes at the annual EGOS Colloquia. Whenever
SWGs meet, it should be under the EGOS umbrella and preceded by a call for participation, to be announced and opened to the
EGOS members.
The community of scholars involved in a SWG may consider organizing academic meetings in cooperation with research groups
or conferences in other academic associations. Any such activities should ensure that participants recognize the SWG as an
integral and intellectual part of EGOS.
The number of sub-themes organized by SWGs must not exceed one-third of all sub-themes taking place at any EGOS Colloquium.
In exceptional cases, the EGOS Board may need to limit the number of sub-themes organized by SWGs (e.g. because of limitations
in space) and ask SWGs to temporarily suspend their presence at a Colloquium. The suspended year will be added to the life-span
of the SWG.
There will be no appeal to an EGOS Board decision for termination of a SWG as the result of the review process (outlined in
the document on the SWG review procedure).