42nd EGOS Colloquium, Bergamo 2026

Local Hubs during the 42nd EGOS Colloquium

Exciting times ahead! In 2026, EGOS will organize as the first major international association of management scholars a fully virtual academic program of sub-themes and sub-plenaries alongside onsite PhD/early career activities in Bergamo and decentrally organized local meetups for face-to-face social interaction at different universities around the world (see here for further information).

For these local hubs, we need you! Please actively join this first-of-its-kind blended experiment not just by submitting your academic work, but also by organizing local meetup events for local colleagues that do not have to fly to reach them. We have developed guidelines for these local hubs, please find them here. These guidelines are meant to clarify the boundary conditions and responsibilities of local hub organizers and of EGOS.
If you now ask “what is a local hub?,” then the answer is: it can be whatever you want it to be! During the past year, we have collected many different ideas about how to shape your own local hub, ranging from cozy, small get-togethers with sections or small departments to themed local hubs that wish to combine their social events with a seminar or workshop on the Wednesday before the Colloquium starts and to large social events that bring together colleagues from the same region or even (small) country who otherwise rarely meet in their own country (as small countries not always have their own associations). What we envision with the local hub idea is a situation where we can reap the benefits of new technology during the academic program, while organizing local social events where we can share what we have learned and heard during the day, having lunch, coffee, or dinner together.
Why do we do this? Please find below an elaboration on the two main reasons for pushing the boundaries of the Colloquium as we know it: inclusivity and sustainability. An online conference is inclusive as it allows more members to participate despite potential concerns around health, funding, sustainability concerns, visa, or care duties; and because it allows universities without large campus facilities to organize a Colloquium. An online conference is more sustainable because it drastically reduces the association’s carbon emissions (see here the EGOS reports on CO2 emissions), fully leveraging new technologies. This is in line with the EGOS goal to reduce net carbon emissions by at least 55% in 2030, compared to 2019. We expect additional benefits, too: activating our growing community to understand what EGOS is about and actively participate in shaping its future; and leveraging the potential of local community-building, which is as important for career trajectories as transnational networks.
Now is the time to submit your sub-theme proposals! This is a great opportunity for (prospective) EGOS members to organize their own sub-theme, for juniors to shake up their seniors, and for scholars who would otherwise be unable to participate in the Colloquium to join the community – all accompanied by local social events. Once the sub-themes have been announced (summer 2025), we will officially launch the local hub platform! The process will be simple: you contact the responsible EGOS Board member (at this point Christine Moser, c.moser@vu.nl; and Elke Schüßler, elke.schuessler@leuphana.de) and share your plans which should correspond with the local hub guidelines.
Please reach out in case of questions or ideas! We are looking forward to exploring new territory and bring the EGOS community to live in new and exciting ways!
The EGOS Executive Board
October 2024