SUB-THEMES: Call for (Short) Papers


The detailed Calls for (Short) Papers will be available here
from mid-September 2024!

For an overview of the sub-themes at the 41st EGOS Colloquium 2025 in Athens, please click on the link below (pp. 10–16).


Short papers should focus on the main ideas of the paper, this means, they should explain the purpose of the paper, theoretical background, the research gap that is addressed, the approach taken, the methods of analysis (in empirical papers), main findings, and contributions. In addition, it is useful to indicate clearly how the paper links with the sub-theme and the overall theme of the Colloquium, although not all papers need to focus on the overall theme. Creativity, innovativeness, theoretical grounding, and critical thinking are typical characteristics of EGOS papers.

Your short paper should comprise 3,000 words (incl. references, appendices and other material).

Please take note of the Guidelines and criteria for the submission of short papers at EGOS Colloquia.

Time period for submission of short papers:

  • Start: Monday, September 16, 2024

  • End:  Tuesday, January 7, 2025, 23:59:59 CET [Central European Time]