Sub-Plenary 1-1
Organizing the Global Refugee and Migration Movements: Protecting the Dispossessed and Promoting Solidarity
Marianna Fotaki, University of Warwick, United Kingdom
Theodore A. Khoury, Portland State University, USA
Guilherme Azevedo, Audencia Business School, France
Yuliya Shymko, Audencia Business School, France
Samer Abdelnour, University College London, United Kingdom
Recording of session: please click here!
Migration is synonymous with the history of human civilization. This sub-plenary draws on various experiences from transnational settings to discuss solidarity initiatives emerging in conditions of economic crisis – with a particular focus on contexts of responses by different groups of populations within receiving societies and forms of resistance by refugees and forced migrants themselves. It also covers the work of activists from different sites and contexts (Brazil, France, Greece, Palestine), and academic perspectives including philosophy, social movements and feminist theory.
Marianna Fotaki is Professor of Business Ethics at the University of Warwick Business School, United Kingdom, with previous appointments
as Professor of Organization Studies, Policy and Ethics at Manchester Business School and Marie Curie research fellow at the
London School of Economics and Political Science. Before joining academia, Marianna worked as EU resident adviser to the governments
in transition and as a medical doctor for Médecins sans Frontières. She has published over 70 articles, book chapters and
books on gender, inequalities, and the marketization of public services. The recent books include “Gender and the Organization.
Women at Work in the 21st Century” (Routledge, 2018 co-authored with Nancy Harding) and “Diversity, Affect and Embodiment
in Organizing” (Palgrave 2019, co-edited with Alison Pullen). Marianna’s current projects are on whistleblowing (funded by
the ESRC and British Academy/Leverhulme Trust), solidarity economy and refugee arrivals in Greece.
Theodore A. Khoury is the Cameron Professor of Strategy, Sustainability, and Entrepreneurship at Portland State University, USA. His research
explores the influence of institutions and social forces on entrepreneurial actors within developing settings, refugee and
diaspora situations, and nascent market environments. Theodore consults on enterprise interventions and capacity-building
projects for governments, IGOs, and NGOs working throughout Africa, The Middle East, and Europe. His work has been published
in such outlets as Strategic Management Journal, Journal of Management, Research Policy, Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice, Academy of Management
Perspectives, Business and Society, Journal of World Business, and Global Strategy Journal.
Yuliya Shymko is an Associate Professor of Management at Audencia Business School, France, and a visiting professor of Sociology at IE
University, Spain. She has a helpful mix of academic and managerial backgrounds. Trained as an economist with the specialization
in international relations, she has also dedicated her time to research the socio-political and cultural reality of post-Soviet
Republics in affiliation with the University of Alberta (Canada) and the World Bank. Yuliya’s work has been published in Academy of Management Journal, Harvard Business Review, and Management Decision. Her current academic interests include relational ethics, vulnerability, institutional work, and corporate philanthropy
in cultural industries.
Guilherme Azevedo is an Assistant Professor at Audencia Business School, France. His research gravitates around conceptualizations and fieldwork
studies of globalization and culture and includes studies on management cultures, anthropological perspectives of globalization,
hybridization of cultures, social innovation, and socio-industrial design. Guilherme’s research has been published in the
Journal of Management Inquiry, Development in Practice, and Cross-cultural Management in Practice. His first book, “The Imaginary Empire”, proposes a cultural interpretation of Portugal as a country existing between two
Samer Abdelnour is a Lecturer in Prosperity, Innovation and Entrepreneurship at the Institute for Global Prosperity, University College London,
United KingdomHis research sits at the intersection of entrepreneurship, social interventions, and institutions. Current projects
explore how post-war enterprise projects with former fighters diffuse societal risk, how the idea sets of would-be entrepreneurs
reflect potential paths for economic development, and issue emergence in global advocacy organizations. His most recent work
has been published in Organizational Research Methods, Organization Studies, and Energy Research & Social Science. Since 2006, Samer has undertaken extensive fieldwork in Sudan and Southern Sudan with displaced communities and former combatants.
He has volunteered as a teacher with refugees in Lebanon, currently serves as an Advisor to the Restart Network, a social
enterprise that provides coding training to refugees, and also served as a national expert to an international standards process.