Sub-theme 64: Challenging Public Management: A Fresh Look at HRM, Organizational and Individual Behaviour in the Public Sector

Alessandro Hinna, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy
Fabian Homberg, University of Southampton, United Kingdom
Andrea Tomo, University of Naples Federico II, Italy
Session I: Thursday, July 04, 11:00 to 12:30, AT - LT 2
Co-production and Citizen Involvement
Chair: Andrea Tomo
Anne Kershaw, Kerrie Bridson and Melissa Parris
Awkward spaces and navigated conversations: The impact of coproduction on museum practice
Alexander Pinz and Franziska Wallmeier
Why do local governments react differently to increasing demands for citizen participation?
Davide Giacomini, Alessandro Sancino, Giacomo Carli and Michela Pagani
Co-production of public leadership: The engagement of mayors with citizens, managers and politicians in local governance
Session II: Thursday, July 04, 14:00 to 15:30, AT - LT 2
Meaning, Knowledge and Tensions
Chair: Andrea Tomo
Hong Qiu and Samia Chreim
Managing tensions in government innovation: The case of GCcollab
Caroline Fischer
Rewards can’t buy me knowledge? How to foster knowledge sharing behavior of public employees
Gaurav Marathe, Aadarsh Das, Manjeet Kumar, Nitin Kulkarni, Ram Kumar Kakani and Nelson d'Silva
Meaningful work from realized self or worthy work? A study of Community Health Workers in India
Session III: Friday, July 05, 09:00 to 10:30, AT - LT 2
Human Resource Management: Gender, Tasks and Well-being
Chair: Alessandro Hinna
Louise Fitzgerald, David Gathara, Jacob McKnight, Jacinta Nzinga and Mike English
Global challenges: Human resources for sustainable health care systems
Ewa Wikström and Roy Liff
To promote well-being in public sector workplaces: Use of informal information as rumours in managers’ decision-making
Linda Colley and Sue Williamson
Public sector reform and its effects on the coherence of HRM
Session IV: Friday, July 05, 11:00 to 12:30, AT - LT 2
Performance Measurement Systems
Chair: Andrea Tomo
Federica Morandi, Daria Angelozzi and Fausto Di Vincenzo
Identifying individual and job-related determinants of rating distortion in performance appraisal: The case of middle management in health care organizations
Petra Adolfsson, Ylva Ulfsdotter Eriksson and Bengt Larsson
Managers’ and co-workers’ co-creation of individual performance in public organizations
Hoirda Ben Daali
On the edge of reactivity: Exploring insecurity and uncertainty through performance measurement systems in hospital
Session V: Friday, July 05, 14:00 to 15:30, AT - LT 2
Professionalism and Competing Logics in the Public Sector
Chair: Alessandro Hinna
Johannes M. Lehner, Eva Born, Peter Kelemen and Rainer Born
Professionalism and calling among firefighters. Anachronism in the age of New Public Management?
Janne Kalucza and Fabian W. Hattke
Bureaucratic Red Tape: A Bibliometric Study and Meta-Analysis
Nancy Côté, Jean-Louis Denis, Graeme Currie and Marie-Pierre Bourdages-Sylvain
Organizational paradox and strategic practices of hybride middle managers
Session VI: Saturday, July 06, 09:00 to 10:30, AT - LT 2
Organizational Change and Reforms in the Public Sector
Chair: Andrea Tomo
Federico Ceschel, Alessandro Hinna and Massimiliano Pellegrini
Theories and process of change management in public sector: A systematic literature review
Tiziana Sardiello and Susanna Alexius
Time for trust? Post-New Public Management reforms in the Swedish social services
Sainath Srikant Karthik Bhuvanagiri
Organizational change in public sector and employee readiness to change – An empirical investigation
Session VII: Saturday, July 06, 11:00 to 12:30, AT - LT 2
Bureaucracy and Corruption
Chair: Alessandro Hinna
Ernesto de Nito, Andrea Tomo and Paolo Canonico
Stories of grey zone between corruption and whistleblowing: Insights from the Italian public administration
Federico Ceschel, Alessandro Hinna and Fabian Homberg
Corruption in the public sector: Implications on organizational and individual behaviour