EGOS Women's Network Meeting 2015
prior to the 31st EGOS Colloquium in Athens, Greece
Wednesday, July 1, 2015, 15:0017:00
Location: The American College of Greece; room: DEREE-7-AUD
EGOS Women's Network Meeting 2015
prior to the 31st EGOS Colloquium in Athens, Greece
Wednesday, July 1, 2015, 15:0017:00
Location: The American College of Greece; room: DEREE-7-AUD
Encouraged by the very successful meetings of the EGOS Women's Network in Amsterdam (2008), Lisbon (2009), Gothenburg (2011), Helsinki (2012), Montréal (2013) and Rotterdam (2014), another Women's Network Meeting will take place on Wednesday, July 1, 2015 from 15:00 to 17:00 at the EGOS Colloquium 2015 venue, The American College of Greece
Coffee and tea will be available from 15:00 onwards. At 15:30, five parallel Round Table sessions will start. Detailed descriptions of each Round Table can be found below.
To sign up, please send an email to Angelika Zierer by June 15, 2015 [= extended deadline].
Please do not forget to mention the Round Table of your choice!
We look forward to meeting you!
On behalf of the EGOS Women's Network, the Standing Working Group (SWG) on "Gender and Diversity" and the EGOS Board
Regine Bendl, Christine Teelken, Marieke van den Brink & Angelika Zierer
Aim is discussing the complex dynamics of mentoring relations with both junior and senior academics. Although recognized as a key solution for gender equality in academia, research shows that mentoring programs often force mentees to adapt to pre-existing (male) conditions and thus do not challenge dominant masculine career tracks in academia (Avotie 2008; De Vries 2010). As such, this roundtable will debate the potential of mentoring as a tool for more transformative gender equality change. More specifically, this round table will address three questions:
Chairs: Regine Bendl (WU University of Economics and Business, Austria) & Judith Pringle (Auckland University of Technology, Australia)
'Originality', ‘relevance', 'rigor’, 'clarity', 'logical progression of argument', 'readability', 'theoretical and practical implications', 'generalizibility', 'credibility' – amongst many others, these are notions with which authors are confronted with when receiving feedback from journal editors. However:
In this interactive session, the participants will reflect on these and other questions based on their own experiences and
knowledge about the publishing process. We invite scholars to exchange their publishing experiences for succeeding in academic
Chair: Christine Teelken (VU University Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
While post-doctoral researchers (post-docs) are an increasingly important and productive group of employees in academia, they
are lacking a further career perspective and embeddedness within their organization. A comparative study amongst two Dutch
universities (a survey with both closed and open questions amongst 225 respondents) reveals that nearly all post-docs (85%)
want to stay in academics, but only less then 3% was offered a tenure track.
Given these limited career perspectives, I would like to invite the EGOS scholars to discuss the following questions in our
interactive round table:
Chairs: Angelika Striedinger (WU University of Economics and Business, Austria) & Lotte Holck (Copenhagen Business School, Denmark)
In many ways, academia provides a difficult context for feminist organizing: work overload, fuelled by the imperative of "publish
or perish", leaves little time for activities which cannot be translated into an extra line on the CV. An individualized and
competitive work culture contradicts the collectivist spirit which underlies women's solidarity. And the subtlety of gender
discrimination which exists even in the context of seemingly objective recruitment and assessment procedures obscures the
legitimacy of and need for feminist organizing.
Nevertheless, female academics can gain strength from building networks of power, reflection and mutual support. Such networks
help us identify structural inequalities and provide a space for exchange, theorizing and strategizing. In this panel, we
will exchange ideas around, and experiences of, women's organizing in academia. Participants will discuss possible forms and
aims of women’s networks in academia, and develop strategies towards feminist organizing.
Chais: Cinzia Priola (The Open University Business School, UK) & Barbara Sieben (Helmut Schmidt University, Germany)
This round table is dedicated to support scholars to develop their papers; it's open to all scholars at all stages. The focus
will be on small group interaction and pragmatic issues related to the papers and publishing. Accepted papers will be briefly
presented and thoroughly discussed in small groups with leading scholars in the field. All participants are expected to have
read the papers of their fellow participants and be ready to contribute to their discussion.
Please submit a single document of application (.doc, .docx or .pdf file) that includes:
Please submit the papers to: Cinzia Priola ( and Barbara Sieben ( until June 15, 2015.