PDW-08 [SWG-14]: Organizational Network Research

Terry L. Amburgey
Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto, Canada
Barak S. Aharonson
Recanati Graduate School of Business, Tel-Aviv University, Israel
Jörg Raab
Jörg Raab, Dept. of Organization Studies, Tilburg University, The Netherlands

Call for Applications




Research on organizational networks has increased dramatically in the last decade. One reason for the popularity is the wide variety of theoretical frameworks that speak to inter-organizational ties and the networks that emerge from such ties. The study of organizational networks is relevant to institutional theory, resource dependence theory, transactions costs economics, organizational ecology, and the resource based theory of the firm at a minimum. However, the plethora of theories informed by organizational networks also presents a danger, fragmentation and segregation.

This PDW on "Organizational Network Research" intends to provide a forum for participants representing various disciplines, theoretical orientations, and interests in organizational networks at a variety of levels to exchange ideas, research approaches and designs as well as research results. Topic areas include studies in organization science, institutional economics, structural sociology, public administration, health care and business management.

The PDW provides scholars conducting research in the area of organizational networks a platform to discuss their work and get feedback from fellow students and senior experts in the field. It is our intention to invite a mix of proposals with regard to the stage of the (PhD) project, i.e. early stage research proposals, mid stage (data analysis), later stage (write-up stage, job market paper) or revise and resubmit stage.


The workshop will take place on Wednesday, July 2, 2014, 9:00am–15:30pm.




All scholars interested in further developing their papers/projects towards publishable articles are invited to apply to this PDW. However, preference will be given to PhD students/early career scholars. To be considered as an early career scholar, the applicant needs to have completed his/her doctoral/PhD thesis within the last three years.


Please submit – via the EGOS website! – a single document of application (.doc, .docx or .pdf file) that includes:

  • On the first page: a short letter of application containing full details of name, address (postal address, phone and email), affiliation (date of PhD completion for early career scholars), a statement of why the applicant considers it valuable to attend the workshop.
  • An abstract (max. 800 words excl. references) about the project they will conduct (research proposal), are conducting (mid stage) or have conducted (paper draft stage/job market paper, revise and resubmit stage).


The abstracts will be assessed for innovativeness of ideas, representation of (potential) methods, data quality and overall quality. Selected participants are required to submit a full research proposal/paper by June 9, 2014. Participants are asked to have read the papers of the other participants and give a 15 minute presentation of their own work. They will receive feedback from the senior scholars, followed by a general discussion of approx. 10 minutes.


Terry L. Amburgey is Professor of Strategic Management at the Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto, Canada. His research interests include inter-organizational networks, organizational ecology, and quantitative methods. He has published articles in journals such as the 'Academy of Management Journal', 'Administrative Science Quarterly' and 'Strategic Management Journal'.
Barak S. Aharonson is Assistant Professor at the Strategic Management Department at Recanati Graduate School of Business, Tel-Aviv University, Israel. His research focuses on inter-organizational networks, organizational ecology and patterns of technological competition and cooperation among firms and their influence on a firm's performance. He has published articles in journals such as 'Research Policy', 'Strategic Organization' and 'Industrial and Corporate Change'.
Jörg Raab received his PhD at the University of Konstanz, Germany, in 2000. He is currently Assistant Professor of Policy and Organization at the Department of Organization Studies, Tilburg, the Netherlands. His research focuses on inter-organizational networks, public organizations, networks and teams and dark networks as organizational problems. He has published in numerous edited volumes and in Journals such as the 'Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory', 'Journal of Management Inquiry' and 'Organization Studies'.