
Pre-Colloquium Post-Doctoral and Early Career Scholars Workshop

Monday, June 30, 2014, 13:00–20:30, and Tuesday, July 1, 2014, 9:00–23:00

Location: T-building, room T3-35


Vincent Mangematin, Grenoble School of Management, France
Stefan Häfliger, Cass Business School, City University London, UK
Jean-Pascal Gond, Cass Business School, City University London, UK
Gazi Islam, Grenoble School of Management, France

Vareska van de Vrande, Rotterdam School of Management, The Netherlands


Monday, June 30, 2014
12:00 – 13:00 Registration (for the Post-Doc Workshop + EGOS main Colloquium)
13:00 – 14:00

Vincent Mangematin: Introduction: The Publication Game

Discussion about publications: Addressing key questions

14:00 – 15:00



Room: T3-35
Group 1
Chair: Gazi Islam

Christoph Michels: Performing organizing: Affective atmospheres and moods of ordering

– Reviewer: Marja Turunen

Room: T3-30
Group 2
Chair: Jean-Pascal Gond

Christoper Wickert: "Sawing off their own branches": The case of institutional work and Corporate Social Responsibility professionals
– Reviewer: Roman V. Galperin

Room: T3-32
Group 3
Chair: Stefan Häfliger

David Schreiber: An examination of strategic decision-making practices in music industry micro-firms
– Reviewer: Hajime Oda


Room: T3-34
Group 4
Chair: Vincent Mangematin

Thomas Roulet: There is no such thing as bad publicity: Social disapproval of banks as a signal of proximity to a field-level logic
– Reviewer: Eleanora-Hope Humana


Room: T3-36
Group 5
Chair: Vareska van de Vrande

Séverine Le Loarne: Born to grow? The impact of organizational and individual imprinting on growth intention

– Reviewer: Roman Kislov

15:00 – 15:30 Coffee break
15:30 – 17:30



Room: T3-35
Group 1
Chair: Gazi Islam

Marja Turunen: The emergence of collective intelligence fields as a source for novelty processes
– Reviewer: Matthias Ammann
Matthias Ammann: Rationalities in organizations in the context of institutional complexity. The case of offshore campuses in Singapore
– Reviewer: Ana Barcus

Room: T3-30
Group 2

Chair: Jean-Pascal Gond

Rashedur Chowdhury: Marginalized stakeholders in a firm-specific setting: Gaining self-representation
– Reviewer: Christopher Wickert
Bruno Oliveira: Practice adoption in management research: Explaining individual motivations toward strategy tools adoption
– Reviewer: Rashedur Chowdhury

Room: T3-32
Group 3
Chair: Stefan Häfliger

Chenjian Zhang: Entrepreneurial team formation and trust developing: The contingent effect of founding institutional environment
– Reviewer: David Schreiber
Christine Moser: An organizational field in the (b)making: Institutional structuration in the emerging cake decorating field
– Reviewer: Chenjian Zhang

Room: T3-34
Group 4
Chair: Vincent Mangematin

James Tanoos: Disparities in duality management structure in top industrial multinational organizations in America versus Europe
– Reviewer: Thomas Roulet
Sara Melo: Objects as facilitators of communication, collaboration and innovation
– Reviewer: James Taanos


Room: T3-36
Group 5
Chair: Vareska van de Vrande

Helena Liu: 'Leadership' through philanthropy via the heroicisation of whiteness
– Reviewer: Séverine Le Loarne
Omid Omidvar: Boundary organising in RD alliances: Misalignment and asymmetry incomplex boundary systems
– Reviewer: Helena Liu

17:30 – 18:30

Pursey Heugens:

Playing for Minor League B-Schools: Tough Competition, no Cheerleaders

[together with the PhD Workshop in the M-building, room M1-19]

19:00 – 20:30


[together with the PhD Workshop]


Tuesday, July 1, 2014
09:00 – 12:30



Room: T3-35
Group 1
Chair: Gazi Islam

Ana Barcus: Exploring decision making episodes in actu, in situ, in toto: An empirical study of decision making practices in organizational projects
– Reviewer: Corneliu-Ştefan Liţă
Corneliu-Ştefan Liţă: Organizational diagnosis of interpersonal deviance: Development and validation of an assessment tool
– Reviewer: Zomuhlaba Musiyiwa
Zomuhlaba Musiyiwa: Strategizing as a judgmental work
– Reviewer: Christoph Michels

Room: T3-30
Group 2
Chair: Jean-Pascal Gond

Wenjin Dai: Communal vessel: Translating corporate sustainability in everyday organizational life
– Reviewer: Bruno Oliveira
Saeed Akhlaghpour: Organizational IT innovation adoption: A review and typological theory development
– Reviewer: Wenjin Dai
Roman V. Galperin: The fractal nature of institutional logics: A case of pro bono tax clinics
– Reviewer: Saeed Akhlaghpour

Room: T3-32
Group 3
Chair: Stefan Häfliger

Alejandra Marin Melo: Investigating the role of critics’ knowledge networks in platform organizations
– Reviewer: Christine Moser
Julia Brennecke: Multilevel network study on project memberships and informal ties in knowledge-intensive firms
– Reviewer: Alejandra Marin Melo
Hajime Oda: Institutionalized lobbying channels: An analysis of public councils and workshops in Japan
– Reviewer: Julia Brennecke


Room: T3-34
Group 4
Chair: Vincent Mangematin

Viviana Meschitti: Working in a research team: How everyday talk builds a community of practice and fosters learning
– Reviewer: Sara Melo
Eleanora-Hope Humana: Open for business: Investigating category opening and new organizational forms emergence in the creative industries
– Reviewer: Anna Krzeminska


Room: T3-36
Group 5
Chair: Vareska van de Vrande

Steffen Keijl: How you reach and who you reach: The role of external collaboration for break-throughs
– Reviewer: Omid Omidvar
Stephan Leixnering: A question of value(s): Executive compensation, politicization, and the political embeddedness of public sector organizations
– Reviewer: Steffen Keijl
Roman Kislov: Boundary organising in R&D alliances: Misalignment and asymmetry in complex boundary system
– Reviewer: Stephan Leixnering

12:30 – 13:30


13:30 – 15:00

Stefan Häfliger: View from the Editor
Questions and debates

15:00 – 15:30 Coffee break
15:30 –17:15

– Prepare the next steps of your career

– Post-doc?
– Hiring criteria

17:30 – 19:00

Michael Lounsbury: Inspired Scholarship
[together with the PhD Workshop in the M-building, room M1-19]

19:30 – 23:00

Dinner & Party

[together with the PhD Workshop]